you wrote its expensive and risky. which i agree as economic impact will be much higher for China and this is the most important factor not favoring a military solution. but this is not the case for RussiaUnimportant. And my argument was about China avoiding military solutions. It had nothing to do with the GDP of China.
They used cruise missiles for fix targets and than air defense for interception. very rarely they used aviation for air combat.Russia still uses its tactical aviation as a tool to harass and stop enemy air operations.
It is not western style no fly zone concept. rather need to do air interception.
Ukraine dont have much modern airforce/air defense so there is no need to oversaturate a target. but this does not mean complex strike packages is not part of Ruaf training Both Tu-160M/Tu-95MSM projects are to increase ability of Ruaf to fire thousands of cruise missiles on a single takeoff rather than hundreds at much greater distances than one else from places that one else goes.. so why you you think there is monetary and strategi constraints?. they invest in stealthier, long ranges, faster and compact missiles rather than stealthier aircraft. it is doctorine that will win. the allied nations of Europe are irrelevant. Russia does not take them into account when designing next generation weopons. Salvo launch of 12 missiles from a single aircraft.That is the same with the USSR. Russian air force's training and equipment are wholly inappropriate for China to use against Taiwan. China needs to be able to send in complex and large strike packages to shoot down enemy aircraft, neutralize air defenses, bomb airfields and then move on to the softening operations. It needs substantial SEAD and ISR capabilities to do the same against Japanese airfields in case the USA and Japan intervened. Russia would have it much better in Ukraine if its focus was the same too. Russia has monetary and strategic constraints like having 30-35 US-allied nations next to it on the East European Plain so what it is doing is probably a better choice for its own situation. But it is inappropriate for a large offensive operation in Ukraine. It would be even more inappropriate against Taiwan.
yup i know i follow it. it takes time but it just show even for generic electronic parts it take so long to replace. Russia is fortunate that it has large aviation industry so it can allocate work force there for next few years.Industrial production is very hard to reconfigure. Then there are the issues of legal matters and consumer preferences. Of course, China wasn't able to replace Western components the Russian industry uses in 3 months.
how would China deal with such big labor dislocation if it in same situation?
When Lufthansa is in losses while Turkish/Middleastern Airlines making profits. how do you think German feel about it?. same situation with so many other things. I just dont think Japan/Singapore will put there neck on line for China once Europe decide for them especially Japanese decline relative to Europe. Japanese are using European Vaccines and increasingly rely on European technology for energy/aviation. This extra economic strength that make a difference in decision making.I can't see how this is relevant
Russia increasingly use Russian muslims in leadership role to manage Ukraine to demonstrate to that Georgian clown and wannabe German that Russian muslims are superior than him. They can built bombers but he can only built plastic drones and he is not strong enough to come the battlefield and he is certainly losing face in front of Germany because he cannot put sanctions when his investment going up in smoke in Ukraine and Europe. planning for such event takes years and certainly take into confidence others.
mobilization make society un-productive and engage them in frivolous work.Social media was used by Ukraine to mobilize people both in Ukraine and abroad. It was also used for collecting intelligence since it makes every civilian with a smartphone an intelligence collector. The footages that are coming out are being used for atrocity propaganda against Russia by the Western MSM. Shutting down civilian communications in the country you are doing offensive operations in is very beneficial. Ideally, the only content that should be reaching the people should be PRC propaganda during the war.
Ukraine is very land area with lots of Canals and Bridges. there is no way Armour/Artillery is present every where and they cannot travel when there is no bridge. Airborne assaults can create disruptions even in urban combat., create much more chaos in society, they can direct airpower to hit at right places. thats advantage of modern engineering when alot of things are becoming portable and autonomous like boats in water.Of course there is a place for airborne operations. Preventing enemy withdrawals by landing forces behind withdrawing enemies, special force or recon team injections (as you mentioned), rapid reinforcement, etc... But airborne forces are not optimal for use against non-degraded enemies since they are light infantry-only forces. China can not depend on them to take over an airfield or port on their own. They will likely be used during initial landings to support amphibious forces who will be initially heavily outnumbered.