Lol so many people here are seriously confused. I have already showed images of permanent infrastructure built in the galwan valley and on the mouth(THe PLA claim lines include the mouth btw) such as bridges, culverts, permanent camps, roads and even tracks going up the heights. That show India has a permanent presence in the Galwan Valley and Mouth. And if China doesn't claim up to the SHoyk, why did it object to Indian ridges and camps in the area? China's own embassy's statment destroys the narrative of Chinese posteres claiming a victory
It clearly says "Galwan estuary. Yet India still ahs permanent camps and infrastructure in the vallwy and estuary. China failed to force Indians out of the valley with its pp14 mobilization, and had to retreat from pp14 itself. And patrolling is a tactical op- tactics is simply a way to acheive a goal. Along the LAC, India and CHina patrol in order to control areas where it is not feasible to occupy. THe same people who do not know the difference between tactics and strategy are screaming about a Chinese victory lol. Because India MIGHT have patrolled up to finger 8 a couple times a decadem, that means India controlled up to Finger 8? Whereaas China had been regularly patroling and building infrastructure since 2000, yet finger 4-8 has always been a de-fact part of India lol. WHatever it takes to cope with China's retreat I guess.
As for Gogra and Hot springs, China failed to cross the lac, let alone reach its 1959 claim line. Nobody has even posted any evidence suggesting that, becasue there is none.
The facts are, China decided to expand its claim lines in Galwan, Gogra and other sectors, and sobjected to Indian camps, patrols, and infrastructure in those areas. TO enforce those claims, PLA mobilized very close or slightly across the lac, forcing India to to a mirror deployment. The result?
China failed to reach its claims in any of those sectors.
India has camps in infrastructure in areas China claims, whereas China had to dismantle all of its camps and infrastructure in Pangong Tso.
DSDBO is secured
Even if India lost som patrolling access, China lost even more. For India, denial of Chinese patrols and uildup has always been more important that conducting patrols itself.
So as a result, China gained nothing. The fact that some memers here have to twist intentionally disambiguous Government statements and post a select few anti-modi anlalysts shows that. But keep screaming Chinese victory to help you cope.