@twineedle Ok OK OK, serious question, real talk: I understand how 600 armed Indians can lose in melee to 70 minutemen Chinese soldiers despite starting in an ambush. I get that; Indians are terrible at fighting, have no composure or strategy and are cowardly to boot so they had no chance against any real fighting force. Fine. But what I do not understand is how in Satan's rectum did they end up with awards for it?? As far as I know, that's a little extra retardation even for India, or am I giving India too much credit? So, did they lie and basically tell the story in reverse (like Chinese ambushed Indians with a 10X numeric advantage and were armed and Indians got a 5:1 kill ratio) all the way up so that the guys on top thought that it was actually true and thus awarded them medals for the bravery they exhibited in their alternate reality, or were they honest to their superiors and the Indian officials decided to award them the medals to make the Indian people think that their soldiers acted like heroes? Basically, when the Chinese video went public proving India had lied about everything, did everyone in New Delhi just bury their heads like the jig is up or did everyone give the death stare to their subordinate for lying and try to find out who it stemmed from? Do you know or can you find out? That'd be really interesting; thanks.