He's a bug Pokemon. I'll risk it.We dont ask these questions.Bcuz its risky
He's a bug Pokemon. I'll risk it.We dont ask these questions.Bcuz its risky
I am still unmarried I dont want to be beaten by Police by asking these questions.He's a bug Pokemon. I'll risk it.
No reason for wars when you can achieve your objectives in other ways. And the disengagement deal achieved all of India's strategic goals as a result of China's withdrawal from Pangong.
As you can see, India is working overdrive to sell the narrative that they've won, and won big against China, from the very start. And that it's a narrative that New Delhi have no other option but to stick with. Modi has took a bet that China would cave in but obviously he lost the bet and he now have no plan B to walk it back....which leaves him the only option: to bet China won't make a push to crash his parade.@twineedle Ok OK OK, serious question, real talk: I understand how 600 armed Indians can lose in melee to 70 minutemen Chinese soldiers despite starting in an ambush. I get that; Indians are terrible at fighting, have no composure or strategy and are cowardly to boot so they had no chance against any real fighting force. Fine. But what I do not understand is how in Satan's rectum did they end up with awards for it?? As far as I know, that's a little extra retardation even for India, or am I giving India too much credit? So, did they lie and basically tell the story in reverse (like Chinese ambushed Indians with a 10X numeric advantage and were armed and Indians got a 5:1 kill ratio) all the way up so that the guys on top thought that it was actually true and thus awarded them medals for the bravery they exhibited in their alternate reality, or were they honest to their superiors and the Indian officials decided to award them the medals to make the Indian people think that their soldiers acted like heroes? Basically, when the Chinese video went public proving India had lied about everything, did everyone in New Delhi just bury their heads like the jig is up or did everyone give the death stare to their subordinate for lying and try to find out who it stemmed from? Do you know or can you find out? That'd be really interesting; thanks.
Modi is hurting the Indian nation by appealing to the Hindu nationalists hard core "values" just like former President Trump did with trying to appease the MAGA nationalist racist crowds that stormed the capitol under his command.Before people kill me for saying this, no matter what you think of Modi as a person or policies (I am no fan, to put it lightly), his heart is at the right place. He is trying to fix the problems pervading the Indian society in the ways that he understand. However, he either tries to do too much too quickly or does something completely stupid that his reforms actually end up hurting the nation instead of helping.
Chinese were hiding 4 soldiers from last 8 months while Indian govt relased info next day.@Kakyan @twineedle @lp1g
Why does India not officially say they count PLA deaths at 40 or 20-30 or whatever numbers it's been making up and allowing Indian media and Indian fake news international ( to propagate?
How come literally all suggestions of PLA deaths come from unofficial sources quoting anonymous? allegedly from Indian military? Why not directly say this so China can refute it? Why not officially say China's lying when it says PLA lost 4 men? Why not since it clearly thinks the PLA lost much more?
Can you answer the above without dodging and getting off track with excuses and off-topic?
Why was China able to capture over 40 Indians during the clash that allegedly killed anywhere from 20 to 100+ PLA? Why did China release over 40 captives which India admits to without executing them if India really killed so many PLA? Why did India not manage to control the situation whereas PLA was? Clearly PLA came out of the fight on top if it could capture over 40 Indians with a bilaterally recognised 20+ Indians killed?
None of these Indian claims pass any immediate bullshit test if the facts are considered. The Chinese claims do. They did capture over 40 Indians. At least 20 Indians were killed in the June 15th/16th fight. IA couldn't take land from the PLA. Something that is strange if it could kill 20 to 100+ PLA.
It's China who capitulate every time. We saw videos of drone making food delivery to Chinese claiming Indian army can't sustain in mountain.You're so right. India is not equal to Syria. Let me repeat it for you: India is not equal to Syria!
Syrian Army soldiers would have never poked a dragon. Then quickly capitulate after getting some ass-whooping.
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Chinese were hiding 4 soldiers from last 8 months while Indian govt relased info next day.