So by building infrastructure in areas behind the 1992 agreed lac, India is now trying to take back Aksai Chin?Wrong. Indian media has resorted to moving the goal posts and decided to paint with whatever that's left in its palette.
India's initial motive was to push back China and get back the regions it lost after 1962. It not only failed in the latter but lost its step in the initial advance (Galwan PP14).
And China already withdrew from pp14 during the July disengagement. Disengagement also occurred at hot spring, so status quo ante has been restored everwhere except Gogra, where both sides are on opposite sides of the LAC.
BTW, India completed all its infra projects, including the bridge near the Galwan mouth, whereas Chinese infrastructure on pp14 and north pangong between 4-8 was demolished as per disengagement. So I don't see how you can say India did not achieve its aims.
Too bad China failed to capture any territory and had to retreat 60 km as per the disengagement deal. According to the new 1959 claim line China is using which runs through finger 2 and the Galwan mouth, it is actually India taht is occupying Chinese territory.(keep in mind this is different from the 1992 lac agreement, which runs through finger 4 and is shown on google maps. India enforced thsi line during the standoff).On another note. What ever territory China had captured never belonged to India in the first place. It was Chinese land all along. Its just that these lands are now returning back to its original owner. India has a problem understanding Asian history. So it'll never understand this fact.