Ladakh Flash Point

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Wrong. Indian media has resorted to moving the goal posts and decided to paint with whatever that's left in its palette.

India's initial motive was to push back China and get back the regions it lost after 1962. It not only failed in the latter but lost its step in the initial advance (Galwan PP14).
So by building infrastructure in areas behind the 1992 agreed lac, India is now trying to take back Aksai Chin?

And China already withdrew from pp14 during the July disengagement. Disengagement also occurred at hot spring, so status quo ante has been restored everwhere except Gogra, where both sides are on opposite sides of the LAC.

BTW, India completed all its infra projects, including the bridge near the Galwan mouth, whereas Chinese infrastructure on pp14 and north pangong between 4-8 was demolished as per disengagement. So I don't see how you can say India did not achieve its aims.
On another note. What ever territory China had captured never belonged to India in the first place. It was Chinese land all along. Its just that these lands are now returning back to its original owner. India has a problem understanding Asian history. So it'll never understand this fact.
Too bad China failed to capture any territory and had to retreat 60 km as per the disengagement deal. According to the new 1959 claim line China is using which runs through finger 2 and the Galwan mouth, it is actually India taht is occupying Chinese territory.(keep in mind this is different from the 1992 lac agreement, which runs through finger 4 and is shown on google maps. India enforced thsi line during the standoff).


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Wow so many people here still cannot accept the fact that India effectively enforced the pre February 2020 status quo with the disengagemnt agreement. Whether india suffered 20 or 40 or 500 casualties at Galwan doesn't change that. A video released by Global Times doesn't change that.
The fact that India can’t patrol between finger 3-4 anymore makes it not “status quo ante”.

China can’t patrol between finger 4-8, which is the disputed territory. India can’t patrol between finger 4-8, in addition to their own territory of finger 3-4. That is what changed.

China built road up to finger 4, only after the hostilities started and it pushed its camps from finger 8 to finger 4. The status quo didn’t have permanent Chinese presence within finger 4-8, only regular patrols.


Registered Member
So by building infrastructure in areas behind the 1992 agreed lac, India is now trying to take back Aksai Chin?

And China already withdrew from pp14 during the July disengagement. Disengagement also occurred at hot spring, so status quo ante has been restored everwhere except Gogra, where both sides are on opposite sides of the LAC.

BTW, India completed all its infra projects, including the bridge near the Galwan mouth, whereas Chinese infrastructure on pp14 and north pangong between 4-8 was demolished as per disengagement. So I don't see how you can say India did not achieve its aims.

Too bad China failed to capture any territory and had to retreat 60 km as per the disengagement deal. According to the new 1959 claim line China is using which runs through finger 2 and the Galwan mouth, it is actually India taht is occupying Chinese territory.(keep in mind this is different from the 1992 lac agreement, which runs through finger 4 and is shown on google maps. India enforced thsi line during the standoff).

No, first claiming that it intends to take Aksai Chin, after disturbing status quo by a political move, and then building infrastructure close to China and then failing in its initial push due to Chinese assertiveness is what "India failed" means.

India can build whatever it wants in a region that China doesn't claim. China can't stop India from investing money that it has taken from its poor masses to infrastructure in regions that it never cared to before. India can build bridges, dams whatever.

China " withdrew " or China made India withdraw? India is the instigator at PP14, proved by qualitatively better evidences submitted by China. Until India can prove otherwise, China has the win at Galwan - having stopped an intruding India.

Too bad India had lost 1000 sq km and sees an even more emboldened China, aware of the new enemy towards its west. The scale and might that gave headaches to the Soviet Union at its southern borders during 1960s has only increased.


If Indians hold any position along the border, it's because China lets them.

Indian fanbois need to realize something. The Indian military doesn't stand a chance against the PLA. If China wanted to, we could have a repeat of 1962, except 100 times more humiliating for India.

There's NOTHING you Indians would be able to do to stop this if it happened. Your army is on the level of the Taliban, while the PLA is on the level of the US Army, except with a virtually unlimited supply of manpower.

So the ONLY reason you Indians get to claim you hold this position or that position is literally because the PLA lets you, and they can remove you any time they want if you start getting uppity.

So thank whatever gods you pray to that China has no wish for war with India, because the alternative would be your nightmare.


Yes, China captured captured 1000 km despite retreating 60 km from the 1992 lac. That definitely makes sense.
The only people who never make sense are Indians. Don't know where your 60km from 1992 claim is from, probably some liar Indian source equal to the ones you're trying to discredit, but even if China moved back, it still makes sense as it gave a little back to the Indians after taking much more as a way to let them say they got something so they have an excuse to back down. That's what we want; we just need you to crawl back to where you came from so we can focus on dealing with real powers like the US.
Wow so many people here still cannot accept the fact that India effectively enforced the pre February 2020 status quo with the disengagemnt agreement. Whether india suffered 20 or 40 or 500 casualties at Galwan doesn't change that. A video released by Global Times doesn't change that.
That's because in order to enforce something, you need force and with India, that's like a person with no arms saying he played a tie game with Lebron James. Whatever you still have, China allowed you to keep just like how Pakistan returned your pilot. But with Indians, they'll try to make it sound like they took something or in your case, "enforced" something LOL


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Lol some memebers are still believing claims China captured 1000 sq km, while also trying to say India instigated the conflict. some real cognitive dissonance. I guess they are still trying to cope with the fact China retreated from so much territory.


Lol some memebers are still believing claims China captured 1000 sq km, while also trying to say India instigated the conflict. some real cognitive dissonance.
Not at all. You start it, we finish it. You ambush our negotiators so we kill your soldiers and take your territory in response. It's not hard to understand for anyone with a double digit IQ.
I guess they are still trying to cope with the fact China retreated from so much territory.
We could have made it far less if your leaders hadn't begged. We could still be advancing now.


Junior Member
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The only people who never make sense are Indians. Don't know where your 60km from 1992 claim is from, probably some liar Indian source equal to the ones you're trying to discredit, but even if China moved back, it still makes sense as it gave a little back to the Indians after taking much more as a way to let them say they got something so they have an excuse to back down. That's what we want; we just need you to crawl back to where you came from so we can focus on dealing with real powers like the US.

That's because in order to enforce something, you need force and with India, that's like a person with no arms saying he played a tie game with Lebron James. Whatever you still have, China allowed you to keep just like how Pakistan returned your pilot. But with Indians, they'll try to make it sound like they took something or in your case, "enforced" something LOL
The 1992 agreement is at finger 4, as shown on google maps. China had to retreat all the way beyond finger 8, while India is right next to it at Dhan Singh Thapa. That alone debunks claims of Chinese victory. Too bad China failed to gain an inch of territory.
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