So without evidence, you are claiming India is hiding deaths. I have neer disputed China;s claims, yet it is ok to spread conspiracy theories about Indian casualties? THe double standards are clear. The Indian army is accountabel to the government and people of India, and they never hide their casualties. If Indian army was to hide casualties, why wouldn't it just say that 3 or four soldiers died? The fact that India rleased the names and ranks of all soldiers killed in less than 24 hours shows how transparent India is. Doesn;t matter what unnamed and unreliable "PLA sources" say. If you really are so confident, please provide evidence of your claims, like I have been doing and not conspiracy theories. Oh wait, you have none.
Without evidence the microbe brained Jai Hindis claimed China lost 100+ PLA soldiers. They were wrong and they were making shit up. Proven and India can prove otherwise anytime. The Indian gov doesn't even want to claim otherwise because they
Without evidence the microbe brained Jai Hindis claimed Taiwan shot down a Su-35. They were picking residual shit from their orange panties.
Without evidence the microbe brained Jai Hindis claimed TV documentary footage showing a 1950s graveyard (albeit still used e.g. these actual PLA deaths from Indian attack) was evidence of China showing the 100+ PLA deaths
BUT the Jai Hindis also want to claim China is hiding them... hmmmmmm. Can't have both idiots. Clearly at least one was wrong. Turns out they got both in classic Indian fashion. Don't worry that's 99.999999% success because finger slipped.
I can go on but let's deal with your post.
I am NOT claiming India is hiding deaths. I am saying that India admitted that IA suffered "more than 20" deaths in the June fight (not counting the Tibetan exile army guy that was crushed by the BMP and the guys killed by Indian mines while laying them).
Indian media first reported 20+ IA deaths after going from 4 or 5 to 10 and so on. This total figure was eventually only reported as 20 after a period of time I guess 20+ could mean 21 or 100 but eventually all that was talked about was 20. No one counted the funeral processions etc which is fair since that's a complicated task. These aren't double standards at all, read my posts clearly and there is nothing there which is spreading conspiracy.
On topic of accountability? That's hilarious. Indian government running like a headless chicken and stoking the flames is anything but accountable and sensible. The Chinese government as much as they are stereotyped was actually sensible for keeping details released to a minimum in an effort to not exacerbate the situation which was exactly what happened in India.
Recall the Jai Hindis begging for the rape of Chinese girls?? How about banning Chinese from their hotels? Or burning Chinese flags and stabbing effigies of Xi Jiping. You can not like China and hate the leader whatever but this behaviour is more than reflective of the intelligence, maturity, and class of the Jai Hind. It's also reflective of how poorly a government can handle a hazardous situation.
China released factual information even
DURING THE CONFLICT. Let's count just a few of them again.
IA intrusion into Reqin and China proper - true as evidenced by stupid IA celebrating a null "victory" and then quickly abandoning. I suppose the IA withdrawal and disengagement on that front was unilateral because they know they'll create a new confrontation front if they stayed.
Casualties suffered by both sides during the June 15 fight. No details provided then for two reasons, several of the 5 PLA soldiers died days/weeks later after succumbing to their injuries. Notice how the PLA commander (same guy in many photos/videos) shown by Chinese media had surgery marks. Makes sense some of the PLA unfortunately did not make a recovery from possibly more serious injuries than the commander suffered. The second reason? Imagine if they formally reported 5 PLA losses after those soldiers succumbed while India lost more than 20, had countless captured, lost a few more from laying Indian mines and unloading BMP vehicles.
Indians were infact armed, something Indian media and government denied but photos prove they have their sticks and some were even carrying rifles. Of course after Sep/Oct they were given the green light to shoot by the Indian gov.
India is
NOT transparent. You losers need to stop propagating an obviously false narrative. Being transparent immediately about the number of losses is not indicative of operations. If Indian gov was transparent tell me why they perform more internet blackouts than the rest of the world combined? Yeah okay China's is heavily monitored and censored but you're not better. If anything you are pretending to be better while being worse. Why the censorship of Muslims and student protestors? Why the communication blackouts enforced in New Delhi whenever instability comes around? Why blackout Kashmir??
So much for responsible and transparent. Again the IA and gov reporting the 20+ losses and admitting to dozens being captured is NOT done out of being angelic decent people but for building the eventual damage control. Maybe the Indians thought the Chinese would report on the IA losses but never anticipated the CCP to be sensible enough to limit information to "casualties suffered on both sides in fighting at Ladakh".