Ladakh Flash Point

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China should keep stalemate for at least 3 more months and should able to see tens of thousands of dead indian soldier died from cold.
It will be deadly lesson which will keep india honest for another 30 to 40 years.

Dont be so hurry to let them off the hook!!


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Even if the Indians leave, China should maintain vigilance. Look to the recent outcome of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict; the Azeris nursed their defeat for the past 30 odd years and in the meantime used their oil wealth to buy weapons and drones and currying favour with russians and NATO so that when they chose to retake NK, they did so with stunning success.
Indians this year believed they would similarly be able to wipe the stain of defeat of '62, but were proven wrong, time and time again.
This year, with the pandemic, China should ensure that this lesson is taught permanently.


Registered Member
Even if the Indians leave, China should maintain vigilance. Look to the recent outcome of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict; the Azeris nursed their defeat for the past 30 odd years and in the meantime used their oil wealth to buy weapons and drones and currying favour with russians and NATO so that when they chose to retake NK, they did so with stunning success.
Indians this year believed they would similarly be able to wipe the stain of defeat of '62, but were proven wrong, time and time again.
This year, with the pandemic, China should ensure that this lesson is taught permanently.
China should be vigilant of course. But if India is thinking a Nargorno-Karabakh style revenge could be applied to the Chinese border dispute, then it is severely mistaken. China is not Armenia.

After Armenia captured N-K in 1994, Armenia stagnated while Azerbaijan grew thanks to oil exports. That oil wealth gave Azerbaijan the budget to grow its military until it overwhelmingly exceeded Armenia's military. In 2020 July, they tested their newly bought Turkish and Israeli drone toys. It was a massive success. Fully confident of victory, they then went to war in September. Then the rest is history.

If you want to use the N-K scenario as an analogy. Then India is Armenia, and China is Azerbaijan. China has the overwhelming military force to choose when to go to war with India and decisively defeat them. However, India was the one that provoked China during this Ladakh crisis, and got their asses handed to them. Realizing that the China cannot be bullied militarily, India chickened out. And war is averted.

Interestingly, I've watched one Indian media commentator talking about N-K war. He was impressed with the Azeri victory and how their drones "revolutionized warfare". He was also proud to point out that the Indian Airforce already have, and would buy more of the same IAI Harop used by the Azeris in the war. Well, yes and no. Drone warfare can work against poorly trained and equipped militaries like Armenia, and against militant groups. Drones do not work nearly as well against a proper military force like China and Russia. The Russian military base at Syria came under hundreds of drone attacks and flybys in a year, and was barely scratched. That's because they had a proper air defence systems and the crew to operate them. China definitely has the same capabilities and more. Can't say the same for India.


More infrastructure investments into Tibet & Xinjiang are coming; military facility and troop upgrades and modernization in WTC will be sped up. India's repeated provocations in Doklam and Lakdak have accelerated them. China recently officially approved the construction the last segment of Sichuan-Tibet railway, a very challenging and strategically important project connecting the populous and prosperous Sichuan/Chengdu with Tibet/Lhasa. Whether a mutual withdraw of troops at the India-China border will be agreed or not, the trajectory of China's strategic shift and deployment in the region will not be changed.


Junior Member
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China news said the proposed retreat by both sides are fake, China never accept this. It's Indian side trick to leak out to the media.

Seems like India sending massive amount of troops and equipments to the front line is for show, the negotiation table show.

Those troops and equipments are not really meant for fighting.

It's always Indian sides urging for the next round of negotiation. This is bullshit.
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reservior dogs

Junior Member
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I think the assumption that China will withdraw from Finger 4 is ridiculous. THey spent months building all the infrastructure and fortifications and will they take time blowing them up/dismantling them or are they just gonna leave it for the Indian Army?
Yes, I don't believe the Chinese will withdraw. The best the Indian side can hope for is unilateral withdraw with some cover(silence) from the Chinese side. Even for that, they must give a lot of concessions. All the problems are on the Indian side.


Junior Member
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China should be vigilant of course. But if India is thinking a Nargorno-Karabakh style revenge could be applied to the Chinese border dispute, then it is severely mistaken. China is not Armenia.

After Armenia captured N-K in 1994, Armenia stagnated while Azerbaijan grew thanks to oil exports. That oil wealth gave Azerbaijan the budget to grow its military until it overwhelmingly exceeded Armenia's military. In 2020 July, they tested their newly bought Turkish and Israeli drone toys. It was a massive success. Fully confident of victory, they then went to war in September. Then the rest is history.

If you want to use the N-K scenario as an analogy. Then India is Armenia, and China is Azerbaijan. China has the overwhelming military force to choose when to go to war with India and decisively defeat them. However, India was the one that provoked China during this Ladakh crisis, and got their asses handed to them. Realizing that the China cannot be bullied militarily, India chickened out. And war is averted.

Interestingly, I've watched one Indian media commentator talking about N-K war. He was impressed with the Azeri victory and how their drones "revolutionized warfare". He was also proud to point out that the Indian Airforce already have, and would buy more of the same IAI Harop used by the Azeris in the war. Well, yes and no. Drone warfare can work against poorly trained and equipped militaries like Armenia, and against militant groups. Drones do not work nearly as well against a proper military force like China and Russia. The Russian military base at Syria came under hundreds of drone attacks and flybys in a year, and was barely scratched. That's because they had a proper air defence systems and the crew to operate them. China definitely has the same capabilities and more. Can't say the same for India.

Yes the Indians can send their Harops up to strike targets one at a time if they don't get jammed/shot down first. Harops are unfortunately (for them) last-generation technology for China, which has recently demonstrated Grad-type launchers for loitering munitions such as CH-901 launched in waves of 48 at a time. Entire armored columns and artillery batteries wiped out in a single wave rather than picking off 1 or 2 targets in each attack unless they plan to send 48 Harops at a time, if they even have airfields that Harops can take off from that haven't been pounded to rubble by 370mm rockets first. Wouldn't be surprised in the least if three of four of these truck-mounted launchers can launch enough CH-901s to neutralize even properly organized and layered ADSs (if they have one) just by overwhelming them with sheer numbers. Although being smaller than Harop and therefore harder to track and hit, the warhead is likely still more than capable of destroying a T-72/T-90S with a strike through the turret roof, or at the very least damaging it sufficiently and knocking it out of action. Plus CH-901s (and similar domestic LMs) can be launched by helicopters and also can be carried, along with the launcher, by a single soldier who can set it up and deploy it anytime and anywhere. But sure, they can keep importing more Harops to delude themselves that they will totally obliterate the PLA, just as their imported Rafales are supposed to obliterate PLAAF J-20s. They should also buy more UCAVs such as Hermes 900 and MQ-9s so PLA UCAVs can test drone-launched AAMs on them, after letting them finish obliterating PLA Ground Forces of course.
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