ZTQs are light tanks, therefore scout tanks.
Light tanks don't equal "scout tanks." They
can be employed in recon, that doesn't mean they
will be. They also function in the Fire Support role, which means they go in with the Mech Infantry,
after the major threats have already been neutralized by your MBTs and other assets.
Also, MBTs are more than capable of screening themselves, they don't need light tanks for that. MBT platoons leapfrog, screening each other as they maneuver from one point to the next. Here's an example of this from a US Army Field Manual that I posted a while back in the Army section:
They'll be maneuvering to provide reconnaissance support for the rest of the PLA and they might end up in firefights with T-90s, especially if they can't withdraw in time.
Why would you ever recon an area with Type-15s if you know enemy T-90s are deployed in that sector?! And the whole world knows T-90s are deployed in that sector. The PLA has many tactical recon options for that, including tons of UAVs.
The only way a Type-15 would end up in a "firefight" with a T-90 is if something has gone horribly wrong. Which is not to say it can't happen (it's a battle after all) but it would still mean you messed up. Because that's not supposed to happen. Worst case, it would probably signal a flawed battle picture at a brigade or division level. That means your entire Division has no idea which sectors the enemy has deployed its MBTs, and so your platoon commanders are basically running into ambushes everywhere (but in that case, everything you're doing is FUBAR anyway.)
Point being: The Indians who are comparing the Type-15 to the T-90 have no idea how armored warfare works. It's like comparing a Strategic Bomber to a Fighter Aircraft, and then bragging that your Fighter can shoot down the Bomber.
This is why I emphasize the need for a good fire-and-forget top-attack ATGM; if a ZTQ-15 platoon sees T-90s providing targets of opportunity, it can open fire then run. If ZTQ-15s are ambushed by T-90s, they can open fire and deal damage even if they are destroyed.
Good luck acquiring a maneuvering MBT platoon through layers of smokescreens laid by mortars and artillery. I already had a discussion on this a while ago with some members who were over-emphasizing the role of ATGMs on light units versus MBTs in a proper
conventional battlespace. Assuming the maneuvering MBTs are well-led and know what they're doing, they will go through the ATGM equipped light unit like a hot knife through butter. And even if you were able to pop off a few shots before your entire unit is vaporized, there's still no guarantee your shot will hit through the MBT's IR smoke and APS. You may get a lucky kill or two, but your entire formation will be turned into a shish kabab.
The only time in recent history where light units with ATGMs have succeeded against heavy armor is where MBTs were employed with bad tactics and were basically sitting ducks against a
non-conventional guerilla force e.g. the Israelis versus Hezbollah, the Turks versus Kurds, Saudis versus Yemenis etc. Each time the MBTs were not employed to maneuver aggressively (as they are designed to do) but were parked in a fire support role, while the enemy light units maneuvered around them to take pot shots. If you use MBTs like that, it's your own fault, don't blame the tank. When properly employed, MBTs can murder ATGM units on the move, under cover of smoke and artillery.