Ladakh Flash Point

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Nobonita Barua

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That the footage was recovered by PLA from a dropped phone
The poster said " The footage is probably from an Indian mobile phone abandoned or dropped which was recovered by the PLA and somehow unlocked."
How did this Tibetan group get this clip?


1) Type 15 actually has a barrel launch guided missile, this has been mentioned many times verbally in many videos but it is in Chinese, so many non-Chinese are not aware of this.

2) Video clip could be sent out in internet before the Indian soldier lost it, or the Indians could download it after the Chinese put in up in internet.


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Jesus Christ are the Indians that stupid to not know there are ethnic minorities in Western China :eek: ... according to them, a Black soldier in the US Marines would then be some sort of African mercenary??? Are these people really this low in both intelligence and basic thinking? Now I start to understand where their delusions of killing 43 Chinese soldiers and shooting down F-16s come from o_O

TBH, from my own subjective experience, I think he looks like he could be from Pakistan. Also, that smirk and a wink isn't something you'd expect from a well-indoctrinated PLA soldier. Obviously, all of this is choreographed and released purposefully.


Registered Member
Nice joke. The footage was released by an anti-PRC Tibetan group. All your Weibo handles simply copied and downloaded the video from that account.

Or these Free Tibet scum got the video from Weibo. Then try to spin it around.

We know that these scum put up fake news from the Indian media, and FLG. So why should they be any more credible than Weibo?


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The poster said " The footage is probably from an Indian mobile phone abandoned or dropped which was recovered by the PLA and somehow unlocked."
How did this Tibetan group get this clip?
The SFF shared the clip with their friends/relatives through SM like Whatsapp, FB etc

It got out out from their.


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Or these Free Tibet scum got the video from Weibo. Then try to spin it around.

We know these scum put up fake news from the Indian media, and FLG. So why should they be any more credible than Weibo?
Wrong. All of the posts with this video on weibo are several hours older than the Tibetan original post.
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