Ladakh Flash Point

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Nobonita Barua

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Jesus Christ are the Indians that stupid to not know there are ethnic minorities in Western China :eek: ... according to them, a Black soldier in the US Marines would then be some sort of African mercenary??? Are these people really this low in both intelligence and basic thinking? Now I start to understand where their delusions of killing 43 Chinese soldiers and shooting down F-16s come from o_O
And people wonder why we nick named them Indiots :rolleyes:

Bright Sword

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Indian troops panicked after PLA captured height and above them.

Indian trooper even spoke in Chinese in case PLA don't understand. "Nie shia re..nie shia re" :p :D

Jai Hind! :p

P/S: Can some please translate Hindi
The footage is probably from an Indian mobile phone abandoned or dropped which was recovered by the PLA and somehow unlocked.
What is being said is :
"Come down .. Come down"
The Indian soldier is calling on the PLA squad to descend from the heights.
Remarkably he is being very courteous though. Previously released video footage shows Indians hurling the foulest expletives at their adversaries. Indian and Pakistani profanity is almost identical and the expletives are gender specific focused on the enemy's female relatives.
Indian troops routinely hurl profanity st their Pakistani counterparts on all border posts including at the most famous Wagah flag lowering ceremony. They swear at the PLA too even when knowing the PLA soldiers don't understand.


Junior Member
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The footage is probably from an Indian mobile phone abandoned or dropped which was recovered by the PLA and somehow unlocked.
What is being said is :
"Come down .. Come down"
The Indian soldier is calling on the PLA squad to descend from the heights.
Remarkably he is being very courteous though. Previously released video footage shows Indians hurling the foulest expletives at their adversaries. Indian and Pakistani profanity is almost identical and the expletives are gender specific focused on the enemy's female relatives.
Indian troops routinely hurl profanity st their Pakistani counterparts on all border posts including at the most famous Wagah flag lowering ceremony. They swear at the PLA too even when knowing the PLA soldiers don't understand.
Did the Indian side leak the video?
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