Ladakh Flash Point

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Nobonita Barua

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The link to that video was copied in my previous post.
What if the person is Pakistani?
If Gurkhas ( Nepali Nationals) can serve in the Indian Army then so can Pakistanis serve ( or be deployed) to the PLA. In fact it is obvious this is a good idea for inter-operability between the two forces.
Ya i have seen that video. I was simply pointing out the indian social media intelligence service activity.

This one is funny


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Current Armenian Azerbaijan war shows that drones and precision guided weapons are now the main killer of tanks and armoured vehicles. Static and slow moving tanks like T-90 are sitting ducks. Tanks to tanks battles will not happen.
Exactly. Not only tanks, anything not moving are sitting ducks. Modern land warfare will be about drones and anti drones weapons. Heres a claim by Azerbaijan.

But I havent seen anything anti drone weapons.



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Exactly. Not only tanks, anything not moving are sitting ducks. Modern land warfare will be about drones and anti drones weapons. Heres a claim by Azerbaijan.

But I havent seen anything anti drone weapons.

Are they using Russian drones?


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Jesus Christ are the Indians that stupid to not know there are ethnic minorities in Western China :eek: ... according to them, a Black soldier in the US Marines would then be some sort of African mercenary??? Are these people really this low in both intelligence and basic thinking? Now I start to understand where their delusions of killing 43 Chinese soldiers and shooting down F-16s come from o_O

Bright Sword

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Jesus Christ are the Indians that stupid to not know there are ethnic minorities in Western China :eek: ... according to them, a Black soldier in the US Marines would then be some sort of African mercenary??? Are these people really this low in both intelligence and basic thinking? Now I start to understand where their delusions of killing 43 Chinese soldiers and shooting down F-16s come from o_O
Yes, they ARE that stupid, and racist. In Delhi female citizens from the North Eastern states ( particularly from Nagaland, Manipur, and Mizoram) have been harassed and molested as "revenge" on China . When they can't even identify their own ethnic minority citizens how would they know about minorities in China. How would they know there are ethnic Tajik ( Chinese citizens) border guards on the Afghan China frontier.

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