Is the current Indian doctrine still stuck in the time warp of "tank-on-tank"?timesofindia article about t-90 vs type 15
AFAIK, the type 15 may go where the t-90 cant. So, i dont know how the two would fare against each other.
Isn't the primary purpose of light tanks to mop up mechanized infantry?
Why would light tanks be pitted against "heavies" when there are other ways to deal with them such as HJ-12s fired from drones or in a defensive mode, the light tanks would retire behind a screen of anti tank guns ( ZTL-11 ).
China doesn't use A-5s anymore so am not sure what is China's equivalent of the Su-25 or A-10 Warthog but the Z-10 attack helo has anti-armor capabilities.
Even way back in 1940 during the advance into France and Belgium the light German Panzer 2 tanks would avoid taking on the heavy French Char B or Somua tank and when encountering them would retire behind a screen of anti-tank guns following in the rear. They would then call in an air strike from Stuka Ju-87 dive bombers.
Faced with the same problem ( light vs heavy) during the Battle of Kursk the Soviet Union began avoid direct "one on one" standoffs between T-34s and German Tiger tanks. About six T-34s ( or Shermans for that matter) were needed for one Tiger. The Soviets preferred to have their Il-2 Stormovik aircraft support their lighter tanks. Similarly British Cromwell tanks and US Shermans were outclassed by German Panthers but rocket firing Hawker Typhoons evened the odds.
In 1991 in Iraq the USA relied on its A-10 Warthogs to take out Iraqi T-72s though there were rare "tank-on-tank" engagements with US M1 Abrams and T-72s
Who will fight the Battle of Kursk again?