Proven by whom? Indian analysts who thought planets as spy satellites ?
I know enough history about both of them. If i have to make an assessment, i would say "lying" is actually culture in India. I ain't saying Pak doesn't do their own stories, but they don't lie in between their teeth as Indians.I don't want to sound disrespecting, but no body is asking how many Pak or indian soldiers have lost their lives in their border. They are under no scrutiny to come up with these numbers. Because nobody is watching. I don't see a logical reason for them to tell their numbers & lie about it.
Going by "past years" & past days , i would give them the benefit of the doubt over india any day. Didn't indians claim to kill 100+ PLA soldiers with Bollywood movie scripts & then successfully lost the entire "perception territory" to China?
You are free o believe whatever you want to.
Tbh, what's going on in their border is their matter , this is going off topic.