What you said make sense from strategic point of view.There is some truth in this but the last thing India would want is to fight a two front war.
Which is why India is working hard to go to a one front solution with China ( preferably a stalemated front
favorable to India.
India would like to take Pakistan out of the equation with three general strategies:
1.,Get Pakistan into an Iran, North Korea or earlier Iraq style diplomatic and economic isolation with UN sanctioned arms embargoes and cause a complete degradation of Pakistan's defense capabilities. Then either by coercion or a brief military strike force Pakistan into concessions or even occupation ( Iraq),
2. Build up extreme pressure on Pakistan's borders with slow escalation of skirmishes, artillery exchanges, leading to heavy civilian losses beyond a level that Pakistan can sustain, especially if internal unrest against civilian deaths can be whipped up. This was tried in 2002 but then Pakistan had a martial law administration and political parties were in hibernation but the strategy nearly worked because Pakistan was willing for an accommodation.( Agra and Lahore summits) Unfortunately the Indian religious bigotry and ideologues triumphed and India backed out of an agreement hoping that Pakistan would weaken further over the long run and India could then get a better bargain.
3. The Israeli Egyptian diplomatic model as we have discussed in earlier posts.
The question is, do you think any indian would have understood the points you have mentioned here?
If they did, do they have enough resources at their disposal to pull off what you stated at point number 1?.
Dumb luck or not, pakistan sits on strategic position. On parts of it opens the gateway that straight leads to West Asia & all the way to gateway of Europe. One side is on arabian sea. India tries those stunts with US , russia will be there tomorrow being their best buddy giving all their fancy toys.
India isolating other countries through economic isolation/ UN sanctioned arms embargo is so laughable. Even if you are talking about isolating Pakistan, lol