Ladakh Flash Point

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Mohican Master

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o the Indian Army is trying to hide success using "coded language"? Not bloody likely.
Think wisely. No country is going to declare itself aggressor, India will say all its actions within own LAC and China will always say all its actions within own LAC

Mohican Master

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Two Indian writers published on Bloomberg that in an ingenious stealth operation, India captured a strategic post ... that was unoccupied... and on India's side of the LAC o_O
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India Captured Strategic Posts in Stealth Move Against China

Sudhi Ranjan Sen and Archana Chaudhary
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In what they called India’s first offensive move since the conflict began in May, thousands of soldiers climbed up mountain peaks for about six hours to claim the vantage points along the south bank of Pangong Tso...

The decision to capture high ground that was previously unoccupied along the 3,488 kilometer (2,162 mile) Line of Actual Control revived a conflict that had been largely dormant since June.

While India denied that troops crossed the Line of Control, the move will prevent China from easily monitoring an Indian road that’s crucial for transporting supplies, soldiers and heavy artillery to forward posts along the disputed border.
Just like China spokesperson said all its actios are within Chinese side of LAC. ;)


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It makes sense now to me why Indian fake news are proliferating in western media. Its because they are getting paid no matter how fake those stories are. So the more the sensational the story is, the better. So fictional news are all over the place because there are incentives in doing so.

It is a quick way to earn cash. Just publish unverified sensational stories.

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Moderator - World Affairs
China should seriously cherish Comrade Gordon Chang for his valorous decievement of the Round Eyes, through his endless push on the fabled "China Collapse" theory, I'm pretty sure his singular effort alone help delay the US-China trade war by a good 10 years, lulling the round eyes into a false sense of security until it was too little!

Long live Comrade Chang for his help of the motherland.


Just like China spokesperson said all its actios are within Chinese side of LAC. ;)

Think wisely. No country is going to declare itself aggressor, India will say all its actions within own LAC and China will always say all its actions within own LAC
No, not like China at all. All India wants is to be like China but it cannot. Show me a Chinese article that contradicts itself so badly. First the Indian article tries to look tough with a very catchy title claiming that India captured territory in an "offensive" operation... then it says that the territory was unoccupied so "capture" would be a funny term to use... then it admits that it was on its own side of the LAC the whole time. So what the hell did it do? India basically marched troops on its own land and tried to make it look heroic. Hilarious... You don't even need to know anything about what actually happened to feel the incompetence surrounding that article. Please, show me a Chinese article this pathetic and stupid and I would be terribly embarrassed, until then, don't flatter yourself and say you are like China in any way. Danny Devito doesn't play basketball like Lebron James and India doesn't do anything like China.
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Did someone forget to take their anti-anxiety meds this morning?

Firstly, what is your source for these repeated claims that the PLA hasn’t got defence air defences up in the west? I’m sure the CIA and Indian intelligence would love to have your all seeing eye. :rolleyes:

Air defences are organic to most PLA standard large formations, and we have pictures of literal train loads of SAMs heading west during the PLA large scale deployments in June. And we have seen pictures and video of PLA SAM units doing live fire exercises in ‘high altitude areas’ which is Chinese code for Tibet. And that’s just what China chose to show.

You have also drank deep of the Indian koolaid if you seriously think the PLA needs ‘hundreds of anti cruise missiles systems at each air base’ to counter Brahmos. Seriously, would there even be space to park planes if you have hundreds of air defence systems deployed at each airbase?! That’s more air defences at each air base than 99% of countries would have for their entire countries. :rolleyes:

Talk of Indian alpha strike is also massively overblown.

Those MKIs are not going to magic themselves to the boarder instantly. Even back in the late 80s and early 90s, radar technology was able to identify specific fighter types based on their turbine blade signatures. Modern ASEA radar would absolutely be able to tell if a plane was carrying munitions as large as Brahmos compared to clean peacetime configurations.

You think PLA units will just dozily sit back in their bases while AWACs and other early warning radars picks up massed, armed IAF fighter waves inbound?

All those PLAAF fighters would be scrambled long before the MKIs are in firing range of their airfields, and may even be able to intercept the MKIs before they can launch their Brahmos.

IIIRC information seems to suggest that the PLAAF has around 2, 3 HQ-9 batteries in the sector.

The prospective Indian strike I'm worried about is a massive alpha strike, which implies firing off all their missiles at once. This is a saturation business;, a couple of hundred missiles heading to specific targets means that you simply don't have enough SAMs available to shoot down enough of the missiles.


No, not like China at all. All India wants is to be like China but it cannot. Show me a Chinese article that contradicts itself so badly. First the Indian article tries to look tough with a very catchy title claiming that India captured territory in an "offensive" operation... then it says that the territory was unoccupied so "capture" would be a funny term to use... then it admits that it was on its own side of the LAC the whole time. So what the hell did it do? India basically marched troops on its own land and tried to make it look heroic. Hilarious... You don't even need to know anything about what actually happened to feel the incompetence surrounding that article. Please, show me a Chinese article this pathetic and stupid and I would be terribly embarrassed, until then, don't flatter yourself and say you are like China in any way. Danny Devito doesn't play basketball like Lebron James and India doesn't do anything like China.

Reading up on India right now. India doesn't want to be like China, it wants to be India while simultaneously somehow being better than China.

It's pretty much insane, because you can see how many of their cultural attitudes are equivalent to 1200, 1800, and 1935. That is to say:

-Indians are highly religious; about 8/10 Indians in surveys say that faith is highly important to their lives. On the surface, Indians look very rationalistic and as they don't evangelize, they seem more "reasonable" than believers of Abrahamic religions. But Hinduism, like Judaism and Islam, is an "orthopraxic" religion wherein the religion is defined by observing religious practices. In India proper, there have been Hindu/ex-Hindu rationalists who got the Gandhi treatment (i.e, murdered by an ultra-nationalist).

-Indians are highly nationalistic, i.e, they have a latent belief in the superiority of their culture. It's like Chinese attitudes in 1800s, where the Qing thought they were superior to everyone else and had little interest in the rest of the world. In the Indian case, it's a love-hate relationship with the West, whose technical accomplishments they respect, but think a la Qing Self-Strengthening "Western Science, Indian Essence". The Chinese, on the other hand, are to them rat eaters and while there was opportunity for mutual cultural understanding before 1962, the Indians are too hung up about it to see what they can learn from China beyond stuff like aping SEZ (many of which ended up turning into commercial / residential establishments instead of industrial parks as they were intended) or attempting industrial policy.

-India right now resembles the RoC to a great extent, whereas China's position is now that of Empire of Japan, except that China doesn't have a population shortage as the Japanese did. The Indians, in hewing to their traditional society, also have a relatively corrupt one that isn't delivering economic or development results, and it resembles Chiang Kai-Shek in China. For instance, the Indians like to brag about the "Argumentative Indian" theses as put across by Amartya Sen, but the Chinese were quite argumentative in the RoC era and look where it got them?


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Super Moderator
Reading up on India right now. India doesn't want to be like China, it wants to be India while simultaneously somehow being better than China.

It's pretty much insane, because you can see how many of their cultural attitudes are equivalent to 1200, 1800, and 1935. That is to say:

-Indians are highly religious; about 8/10 Indians in surveys say that faith is highly important to their lives. On the surface, Indians look very rationalistic and as they don't evangelize, they seem more "reasonable" than believers of Abrahamic religions. But Hinduism, like Judaism and Islam, is an "orthopraxic" religion wherein the religion is defined by observing religious practices. In India proper, there have been Hindu/ex-Hindu rationalists who got the Gandhi treatment (i.e, murdered by an ultra-nationalist).

-Indians are highly nationalistic, i.e, they have a latent belief in the superiority of their culture. It's like Chinese attitudes in 1800s, where the Qing thought they were superior to everyone else and had little interest in the rest of the world. In the Indian case, it's a love-hate relationship with the West, whose technical accomplishments they respect, but think a la Qing Self-Strengthening "Western Science, Indian Essence". The Chinese, on the other hand, are to them rat eaters and while there was opportunity for mutual cultural understanding before 1962, the Indians are too hung up about it to see what they can learn from China beyond stuff like aping SEZ (many of which ended up turning into commercial / residential establishments instead of industrial parks as they were intended) or attempting industrial policy.

-India right now resembles the RoC to a great extent, whereas China's position is now that of Empire of Japan, except that China doesn't have a population shortage as the Japanese did. The Indians, in hewing to their traditional society, also have a relatively corrupt one that isn't delivering economic or development results, and it resembles Chiang Kai-Shek in China. For instance, the Indians like to brag about the "Argumentative Indian" theses as put across by Amartya Sen, but the Chinese were quite argumentative in the RoC era and look where it got them?

This is really baffling since the ROC equivalent is now invading the Empire of Japan equivalent.
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