Ladakh Flash Point

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" Operation Falcon (1986-87) : Early September 1986-Following the discovery of a PLA camp in Wangdung in the Sumdorong Chu Valley NE of Tawang, a battalion of the Indian Army's 5 Division occupied the heights around called Lungro La and Khypo. Here you see PLA officers & soilder`s were halted & were warned and realised that there was no way up! "

Arjun Subramaniam


In 2020 similar but in more aggressive way things are going down, black top and helmet top ladakh..

China considers all this Indian aggression stemming back all the way to the 1950s. The only way through this impasse is either both sides settle on whatever mutually tolerable/acceptable outcome or they both go to war and settle it with winner keeps all. India never even bothered discussing mutually demarcating this line and rejected offers to talk since Nehru. India insists on their own and British demarcated lines. But at the same time India recognises its deficiencies in the military option and will not fight a war to settle it. So it's just this annoying drawn out poking which India has with Pakistan as well. Where Indian troops will go into what China considers it's territory (and India reckons is its own) and celebrate with media stories then leave as soon as PLA come to shoo them away. This repeats until one confrontation gets violent and the media laps it up.

It has to be said though that this was the old pattern with minimal violent confrontations. However since April or perhaps even a bit earlier, China has shown more resolve in unilaterally settling the border as they see it. That is the case on the ground at the moment, albeit with Indian resistance and challenges such as what happened a few days ago I'm sure. But this is to be expected since PLA has made these unilateral moves.

Why is this happening though? Well it seems CCP is tired of the poking around and since India unilaterally decided to make several provoking moves* CCP sees fit to respond and act in Ladakh.

*1. Article 370 threatens Kashmiri territorial issues which China has more than a stake in (2018)
2. Threaten CPEC and related routes (entire existence of CPEC)
3. Demonstrated India's position on China re BRI and CPEC with the Doklam road issue (2017)
4. Heaping in with China's actual adversaries in putting political pressure and blame for Covid and flirting with joining Quad alliance against China. (2020)
5. Continuous salami slicing tactics resuming from 20th century.
6. Presenting Aksai Chin as Indian territory... can you imagine India's reaction if China presented Assam and Sikkim as China's territory? We're not even talking about Arunachal Pradesh. Aksai Chin isn't disputed.

Seriously enemy status appreciated by now don't you think? CCP does to enemies what everyone would, work against their interests. Any surprise CCP unilaterally made military moves in Ladakh to firmly settle the border dispute?
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I don't know what is more embarrassing for them. Friendly fire or IFV falling onto a soldier when unloading. The level of incompetence for the latter is arguably greater than accidental friendly fire when the situation is tense. Landmine is a strange excuse from Indian MEA/gov. Who placed landmines there? The borders were very fluid and either side may go on the offensive. Sure they can avoid certain areas but both sides position troops in known areas and move around enough to make placing landmines very irresponsible and planting them, very obvious.

Imagine if these alleged landmines belong to PLA and were placed by PLA. Why would India not say a peep? This is irresponsible on PLA's part and certainly something the Indian can and should complain about. It gives them sympathy points and they get to have another whinge about China again. Just like they did with their fake photo of steel reo bars tied with two pieces of wire lol! The PLA are given proper melee equipment FYI. Therefore it is not true because they would be making a huuuuuuge fuss if it were.

So is it their own mine? Well if so, then that takes the cake for embarrassing. They wouldn't choose to admit this either. I think these morons are just tripping over themselves making up their fiction and haven't thought clearly what is more embarrassing for them and what has more PR and propaganda value. Morons. Absolute shit for brains in command of both their military and their PR offices. Like it wasn't abundantly clear enough already. Truly the smartest Indians have left long ago and the ones remain want nothing to do with the incompetence of the current leadership and military.

Two minutes of thinking about their lies and it all begins to become a comedy. I wonder how the bhakts will spin this story and give their excuses. So far they are not acknowledging these facts (confirmed by Indian gov, Indian military, and Tibetan separatist/exile advocate groups). They are pretending this doesn't exist. Shameless Jai Hind bhakts.
Maybe. Some Indian Army soldiers wanted to score some cheap revenge on PLA troops by planting mines at areas they anticipate counter-incursions. I could imagine the celebration and chest thumping if they could document confirmed killing of PLA soldiers who "crossed into India's side" of the LAC. They could also use it as "proof" to further condemn China of military aggression. Its sickening, but I think that well within their capabilities. Instead, no PLA troops came, and their SFF comrades got killed instead.

On a side note. I can imagine that Indian-Tibetans are regarded as more expendable in the Indian military under this fascist BJP rule. So India could have conveniently shrugged off their tragic deaths with little drama.


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Now let's go by your statement , Aksai chin belongs to china .

Yes, Aksai Chin belongs to China. Enough said.

However in India case you get to know about it and gloat. Do you have the same freedom for pla ? It is all hunky dory and no casualties. Two professional army fight and only casualties are on one side .

Who ever said India has a professional army? The way those Indian Army soldiers behave throughout this border crisis is more akin to thugs. There are so many video footage of their thuggish behaviors. I think there are over 100 pages of discussions here about casualties on the Chinese side. Go check them out.

About the freedom of gloating all over the PLA. The PLA is already the most misrepresented and underestimated major military force in the world. You can find plenty of vicious insults of the PLA in the Indian media, Vietnamese media, Taiwanese media, and Western media. There are more than enough articles, defence analysis, movies, and documentaries made in the anti-China world that portrays the PLA as little more than an evil, pathetic, peasant army. I think we have been fed too much BS about the PLA's supposed inferiority to "first-rate militaries" of "democratic" countries.
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Kunal Biswas

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This entire push and pull is going on in no-mans land, though it varies between India and China..

It`s littered with mines since 1962..

If both sides are interested in resolving this issue they should create an actual no man’s zone with mines like the one between NK and SK.


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Super Moderator
This entire push and pull is going on in no-mans land, though it varies between India and China..

It`s littered with mines since 1962..

Which is why said buffer zone should have physical obstacles like mines and the like. That said on second thought mines aren’t a good idea since herdsmen from both sides need the area for grazing. But some form of physical barrier on the LAC could reduce conflicts.


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If India parked a bunch of troops outside China's claimed LAC, Beijing wouldn't have released that memo. It's quite obvious that IA is using coded language. I am going by Chinese official/media's own words that India 'infringed' upon the LAC, i.e. the China's version of it.

So the Indian Army is trying to hide success using "coded language"? Not bloody likely.

When there's actually some confirmation that India took back the land it lost, let me know.


Two Indian writers published on Bloomberg that in an ingenious stealth operation, India captured a strategic post ... that was unoccupied... and on India's side of the LAC o_O
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India Captured Strategic Posts in Stealth Move Against China

Sudhi Ranjan Sen and Archana Chaudhary
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In what they called India’s first offensive move since the conflict began in May, thousands of soldiers climbed up mountain peaks for about six hours to claim the vantage points along the south bank of Pangong Tso...

The decision to capture high ground that was previously unoccupied along the 3,488 kilometer (2,162 mile) Line of Actual Control revived a conflict that had been largely dormant since June.

While India denied that troops crossed the Line of Control, the move will prevent China from easily monitoring an Indian road that’s crucial for transporting supplies, soldiers and heavy artillery to forward posts along the disputed border.
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