Ladakh Flash Point

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CCP's official word on August and September clashes saying no Indians died then from direct confrontations, then it's quite likely no one was killed. They haven't been wrong before or issued statements that were later proven false. This begs the question what the two Tibetan SFFs were actually killed from. If the landmine story is true, who's landmine? If PLA's how is it not a part of this recent clash (assuming anything happened).

Too much smoke here and noise from Indian media and the usual semi-reliable sources. Maybe no fatalities and it was a lot of troop movement.


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Not really , having sort off sunny day ,which is better than the rains. What you wrote is the Crux of the issue ..china claiming soveringity based on a by gone era. Imagine India trying to stake claim based on the past chandragupta empire . That would include modern Iran , Afghanistan, Pakistan , Bangladesh etc. It would be stupid to think India has dominion on these lands . These are modern countries and the old claims don't hold true.
You have a lil bit of problem in comprehension.
I don't think China is claiming sovereignty based on bygone era, but using it's present force. Like US did in Iraq, Syria, Libya. Might is right.

Another thing, Chandragupta empire was never "indian" empire. Because current indian land had half a century kingdoms that went against each other. Even by yur standard, the "indian" theory is failed one.By your logic though , It's india entirely that should be given to Iran based on Persian empire theory. And native america should be given to native people. Don't you think?

Great to know that it's sunny. I wouldn't want to miss the Aussies hammering poms in upcoming series due to rain.


Registered Member
Looking at some of the posts in media , it's clear an Indian sff trooper died . The causality was supposed to be due to a landline . However the key message from India seems to be the salami tactics should stop . Both India and China sure have differing opinions on what is lac. However , this whole thing started with china moving it's troops forward and occupying the erstwhile disputed not occupied land . It seems India has now done what china had done earlier by moving into the galwan area .
Even if its true that an Indian SFF trooper really did died from a landmine, I don't really care. I have zero sympathies for foreign combatants who come into Chinese territory for no good purposes.

India has no historic claim over Aksai Chin. Aksai Chin belonged to China long before the British Raj appeared. The Johnson Line that India used to justify their claim is fabricated by the vile imperialist British. The British Raj is no more, so India should stop dreaming of taking lands belonging to foreign countries based on fictitious claims.

All of this Ladakh clash started when India abrogated Article 370. Then the dumb bald headed clown Amit Shah proudly boasted that India would take Aksai Chin. Early this year, India started ramping up the construction of military infrastructure around Ladakh, coming dangerously close to Aksai Chin. China saw the game that the BJP India sneakily is trying to pull off, and acted quickly and decisively.

That action, in your mind is the so called "occupation" of disputed territory. I call it as putting a line on the ground to remind the retarded BJP leaders of India on where Chinese territory is, and to put a stop to their monkey business.


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Not necessarily. It's India's version of the LAC.

In other words, you have no idea. I don't care about your media's bollywood-level drama and ambiguous claims of fictional bravado. Give me a definitive answer to the following question: Where is your counter-offensive? Indians all over the internet were claiming it was imminent months ago. So where is it? China has taken entire sections of its claimed territory away from India. What is your government and military going to do about it, besides talking tough?


Registered Member
CCP's official word on August and September clashes saying no Indians died then from direct confrontations, then it's quite likely no one was killed. They haven't been wrong before or issued statements that were later proven false. This begs the question what the two Tibetan SFFs were actually killed from. If the landmine story is true, who's landmine? If PLA's how is it not a part of this recent clash (assuming anything happened).

Too much smoke here and noise from Indian media and the usual semi-reliable sources. Maybe no fatalities and it was a lot of troop movement.
Hmm, I too am curious about the rumours of those SFF deaths. Could it be a blue-on-blue incident?

This is just my speculation:

Some "brave" Jawans" crossed into Chinese territory to "stick it to the Chinese". So the Indian Army troops in the area would be on extremely high alert; especially with the "post-Galwan trauma" agitating their paranoia. So they could have waited in ambush for any PLA counter-incursion. Then, a scouting party consisting of members of the SFF came back to IA positions at the right place, but on the wrong time. So some dumb Jawans with itchy trigger fingers probably shot and killed two of them. Or these same fools could have set up landmines, in anticipation of PLA troops coming over, but instead ended up killing their SFF comrades.


Junior Member
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Hmm, I too am curious about the rumours of those SFF deaths. Could it be a blue-on-blue incident?

This is just my speculation:

Some "brave" Jawans" crossed into Chinese territory to "stick it to the Chinese". So the Indian Army troops in the area would be on extremely high alert; especially with the "post-Galwan trauma" agitating their paranoia. So they could have waited in ambush for any PLA counter-incursion. Then, a scouting party consisting of members of the SFF came back to IA positions at the right place, but on the wrong time. So some dumb Jawans with itchy trigger fingers probably shot and killed two of them. Or these same fools could have set up landmines, in anticipation of PLA troops coming over, but instead ended up killing their SFF comrades.
The Indian military did SHOT DOWN their own helicopter when they panicked from Pakistan jets


Registered Member
Actually friendly fire is a possibility albeit remote. It could explain why the CCP is saying nothing much is actually happening despite proliferation of Indian noise. Obviously big internal moves for India. Perhaps they are running patrols into China's side of LAC and PLA hasn't done anything aggressive at all. Thwarting fictional PLA attacks is pretty normal business for Indian media reporting. Honestly who is there to check and call them out. They have total plausible deniability and Indian likes operating with plausible deniability. They claim everything and anything. If super power 2012 fails, it's super power 2020 and so on.

My guess is PLA hasn't done anything since they've take everything from finger 8 to finger 4, tracing a longitudinal line. Indian troops would certainly be itching to poke around and conduct patrols up to their old claim lines as if nothing happened. Of course they'd be trying to avoid PLA for more unnecessary confrontation. So this theory does fit the official statements given by both sides except India's claim that PLA has gone into their land which was conveniently pre-empted so there's conveniently no evidence of their claim. CCP says no action happened but India has intruded into China's side which makes sense from the theory here.

IA has indeed gone into China's side wherever there is no PLA presence, CCP complains, nothing is actually happening and the two SFF deaths are a mystery. India's gov has given some crazy explanations both contradicted by various Tibetan groups which are saying they died in combat. Friendly fire is certainly possible then. It's just that Indian gov/military will never admit loss to friendly fire. BMP fell over on one of the SFFs ... puh. leeeees. BJP IT cells you need to try harder to make more convincing lies.


Registered Member
I don't know what is more embarrassing for them. Friendly fire or IFV falling onto a soldier when unloading. The level of incompetence for the latter is arguably greater than accidental friendly fire when the situation is tense. Landmine is a strange excuse from Indian MEA/gov. Who placed landmines there? The borders were very fluid and either side may go on the offensive. Sure they can avoid certain areas but both sides position troops in known areas and move around enough to make placing landmines very irresponsible and planting them, very obvious.

Imagine if these alleged landmines belong to PLA and were placed by PLA. Why would India not say a peep? This is irresponsible on PLA's part and certainly something the Indian can and should complain about. It gives them sympathy points and they get to have another whinge about China again. Just like they did with their fake photo of steel reo bars tied with two pieces of wire lol! The PLA are given proper melee equipment FYI. Therefore it is not true because they would be making a huuuuuuge fuss if it were.

So is it their own mine? Well if so, then that takes the cake for embarrassing. They wouldn't choose to admit this either. I think these morons are just tripping over themselves making up their fiction and haven't thought clearly what is more embarrassing for them and what has more PR and propaganda value. Morons. Absolute shit for brains in command of both their military and their PR offices. Like it wasn't abundantly clear enough already. Truly the smartest Indians have left long ago and the ones remain want nothing to do with the incompetence of the current leadership and military.

Two minutes of thinking about their lies and it all begins to become a comedy. I wonder how the bhakts will spin this story and give their excuses. So far they are not acknowledging these facts (confirmed by Indian gov, Indian military, and Tibetan separatist/exile advocate groups). They are pretending this doesn't exist. Shameless Jai Hind bhakts.


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In other words, you have no idea. I don't care about your media's bollywood-level drama and ambiguous claims of fictional bravado. Give me a definitive answer to the following question: Where is your counter-offensive? Indians all over the internet were claiming it was imminent months ago. So where is it? China has taken entire sections of its claimed territory away from India. What is your government and military going to do about it, besides talking tough?

If India parked a bunch of troops outside China's claimed LAC, Beijing wouldn't have released that memo. It's quite obvious that IA is using coded language. I am going by Chinese official/media's own words that India 'infringed' upon the LAC, i.e. the China's version of it.


Registered Member
The Tibetan groups are either claiming these men were killed in accident like Indian MEA's narrative while a few others are putting the blame onto China.

1. These men either actually died from those accidents as explained officially = embarrassment
2. or they were killed by PLA = denied officially by both India and China (since this recent press briefing)
3. or they were killed by friendly force = unfortunate

They can't be both 1 and 2 which is what is being presented.
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