Ladakh Flash Point

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"The move by India, both in Southern and Northern banks of the Pangong Lake, comes after talks with China reached a stalemate with PLA refusing to budge from its positions."

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The more important quote from your article is this: “These are precautionary deployments well within the Indian side of the LAC.” In other words, they are just going to sit there and twiddle their thumbs, while the Indian-bollywood media pretends they've actually done something.

What this 'newspaper' fails to ask are the two most important questions of all: How many square kilometres has China already captured from India? And what does India plan to do about that? Because from everything going on in this bollywood drama, I haven't yet heard a single statement that talks about any imminent decisive action by the Indian military to take back the land they've already lost.

There was an Indian on this forum months ago that claimed that India would never tolerate this and immediately launch a counter-offensive to take back the land. What happened to that? There is no Indian counter-offensive coming. You know what is actually coming? Winter. And your troops apparently don't even have adequate winter clothing and sleeping bags. Whatever chance India had to do anything this year, is already gone. And by the time the snows clear next year, China would have built yet more infrastructure, putting the Indian positions further behind.

All this bollywood drama to pretend like India actually did something is hilarious. Because when the snows fall and operations stop, the math of the situation will still show that India lost a ton of land that China claims, and did nothing.


Registered Member
Look up BJP IT cell for an idea of what Indians are like. Any wonder why all global click farms are based in India and not elsewhere like China? Plus all the fake English written reviews and fake English accounts on Facebook and Youtube etc. No sorry CCP trolls only patrol Chinese domestic material and media. They don't give a shit about the outside and aren't paid enough to hire proficient English trolls. This isn't the case for India. The BJP IT cell has been working OVERTIME along with their naturally Hindutva right wing ultra nationalist/chauvinist media.

Indian bhakts please have some decency and stop lynching people for nothing in India. Stop beating "untouchables" and stop thinking you're living gods like the idiot Dalai Lama. You're human and your decency relies not on the circumstances of your birth but the cultivation of your intelligence and character. Stop forcing Dalits to drink cow piss from your disgusting shoes. Stop treating women in the way you do. You don't own women, you don't have any superiority to call other derogatory terms. You don't have as much economic and political power than you may think. You have even less military power and it's absolutely a laughably measly strength, that it ensure Pakistan's safety from your own Hindu extremists.

You bhakts have been living in extreme delusions within your own borders but put one toe out of line and you will be educated. Like June for instance. My advice is to be thankful of the things you still have and be better. The CCP and PLA are not made of kind people and they will certainly be cruel to you. The thing is you lot may really truly deserve it. I have never come across people more pathetic, violent, stupid, chauvinistic, and deceitful as bhakts. I suspect it comes from a traumatising insecurity from centuries of Muslim and then British rule. But do not continue projecting those evils onto others who have done nothing to you that can compare.

I don't think these issues between China and India will fade into insignificance this century but it appears just like Nehru and Indian elites of the 1950s and 60s carried an air of superiority (fair enough if you consider how much of a colonised ruin China was then), today's bhakts suffer from a combination of Hindu chauvinism and historical emotional baggage. Cure your mind first and then there's a chance to settle the border with actual talks. Otherwise put your money where your mouth is and start shooting already. The people here are pretty keen for the PLA to get some workout.


Registered Member
More on topic, there is overwhelming "decent" information coming through on this new clash and it seems both sides are making moves beyond their line with PLA moving further west in the northern stretch up to Pangong lake and India moving east into Reqin. Rumours of PLA taking hat mountain and whatever the other one next to it is called. India taking some other stretches. Only a matter of time before serious shooting exchanges if those haven't already happened. I'm guessing if there was shooting previously, it was very limited but still resulted in the deaths of at least two Tibetan SFFs.


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Look up BJP IT cell for an idea of what Indians are like. Any wonder why all global click farms are based in India and not elsewhere like China? Plus all the fake English written reviews and fake English accounts on Facebook and Youtube etc. No sorry CCP trolls only patrol Chinese domestic material and media. They don't give a shit about the outside and aren't paid enough to hire proficient English trolls. This isn't the case for India. The BJP IT cell has been working OVERTIME along with their naturally Hindutva right wing ultra nationalist/chauvinist media.

Indian bhakts please have some decency and stop lynching people for nothing in India. Stop beating "untouchables" and stop thinking you're living gods like the idiot Dalai Lama. You're human and your decency relies not on the circumstances of your birth but the cultivation of your intelligence and character. Stop forcing Dalits to drink cow piss from your disgusting shoes. Stop treating women in the way you do. You don't own women, you don't have any superiority to call other derogatory terms. You don't have as much economic and political power than you may think. You have even less military power and it's absolutely a laughably measly strength, that it ensure Pakistan's safety from your own Hindu extremists.

You bhakts have been living in extreme delusions within your own borders but put one toe out of line and you will be educated. Like June for instance. My advice is to be thankful of the things you still have and be better. The CCP and PLA are not made of kind people and they will certainly be cruel to you. The thing is you lot may really truly deserve it. I have never come across people more pathetic, violent, stupid, chauvinistic, and deceitful as bhakts. I suspect it comes from a traumatising insecurity from centuries of Muslim and then British rule. But do not continue projecting those evils onto others who have done nothing to you that can compare.

I don't think these issues between China and India will fade into insignificance this century but it appears just like Nehru and Indian elites of the 1950s and 60s carried an air of superiority (fair enough if you consider how much of a colonised ruin China was then), today's bhakts suffer from a combination of Hindu chauvinism and historical emotional baggage. Cure your mind first and then there's a chance to settle the border with actual talks. Otherwise put your money where your mouth is and start shooting already. The people here are pretty keen for the PLA to get some workout.
You are wasting your energy.
That's not how you deal with them :D


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Did someone forget to take their anti-anxiety meds this morning?

Firstly, what is your source for these repeated claims that the PLA hasn’t got defence air defences up in the west? I’m sure the CIA and Indian intelligence would love to have your all seeing eye. :rolleyes:

Air defences are organic to most PLA standard large formations, and we have pictures of literal train loads of SAMs heading west during the PLA large scale deployments in June. And we have seen pictures and video of PLA SAM units doing live fire exercises in ‘high altitude areas’ which is Chinese code for Tibet. And that’s just what China chose to show.

You have also drank deep of the Indian koolaid if you seriously think the PLA needs ‘hundreds of anti cruise missiles systems at each air base’ to counter Brahmos. Seriously, would there even be space to park planes if you have hundreds of air defence systems deployed at each airbase?! That’s more air defences at each air base than 99% of countries would have for their entire countries. :rolleyes:

Talk of Indian alpha strike is also massively overblown.

Those MKIs are not going to magic themselves to the boarder instantly. Even back in the late 80s and early 90s, radar technology was able to identify specific fighter types based on their turbine blade signatures. Modern ASEA radar would absolutely be able to tell if a plane was carrying munitions as large as Brahmos compared to clean peacetime configurations.

You think PLA units will just dozily sit back in their bases while AWACs and other early warning radars picks up massed, armed IAF fighter waves inbound?

All those PLAAF fighters would be scrambled long before the MKIs are in firing range of their airfields, and may even be able to intercept the MKIs before they can launch their Brahmos.
their is no recent photos of trains loaded? anyone having confirmed source?


Staff member
Super Moderator
their is no recent photos of trains loaded? anyone having confirmed source?

There were images of tanks and artillery a few months ago but I'm not aware of SAM photos. There were HQ-16s on trains moving to Fujian (down south, where the priorities are), however.


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Just One simple question....This forum is destroyed!! Can some one please answer how many chinese soilders killed in Galwan?? Plzzzz
Answer = 20 Indian soldiers killed and 2 x 20 PLA soldiers killed. Confirmed by all Indian news outlets.
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