Ladakh Flash Point

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Relax the PLA will reveal the numbers soon. Judging by the previous track record of say, Johnson South Reef Skirmish you should see the PLA give an official account and casualty numbers by about 2025.

It's a military secret at the moment of course, revealing it would give away tactically valuable information.


Registered Member
China's move of not disclosing the number of casualties was a good move for de-escalation. No matter whether it was less or more than India's numbers it would have increased tension. Though, the supposed "US intel" of over 50 dead (which Indians think is the truth) is likely complete BS. I think its likely just a few as we have heard in rumours.

Problem is it seems like Modi has not reciprocated China's attempt to de-escalate and is trying to increase tensions. I would say its quite expected considering he needs a distraction from his terrible handling of Covid and the disastrous 23.9% drop in GDP.

Deleted member 14819

Never thought people would be salty over casualty numbers. C'mon man this is like asking someone their junk size so you could feel better about yours. They said they have dead people too why bother then? Those are people dying not mere numbers to be celebrated.


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So is this forum only for Chinese boosting about their about themselves? Ohh sorry i did not know that!! How many chinese soilder died in galwan?? was my simple question ...I did not know to answer i need to be a chinese!! Again shameless
60 Indian soldiers died. Chinese 1 i think after getting injured.


Registered Member
Just One simple question....This forum is destroyed!! Can some one please answer how many chinese soilders killed in Galwan?? Plzzzz

We know you're a troll but for the readers out there, the summary for June clashes:

Chinese official statements/sources say -

  1. India lost 20 men, 3 killed by PLA and 17 died from injuries and exposure because Indian Army did not know about the incident until the next morning. The 17 who died were a mix of falling into ravines, injuries unattended, falling into the river, and exposure to the freezing temperatures. The Indians who ran away did not all have flashlights and were navigating in total darkness. Chinese official statement said PLA suffered injuries but no fatalities.
  2. A few dozen captured including officers. The majority of Indians captured were returned the following day however PLA kept around 10 more senior ranking soldiers until about a week later.

Indian official statements/sources say -

  1. Indian lost 20+ men with more injured
  2. Unknown number of Indians captured by PLA
  3. Not a peep about how many PLA were killed but did mention IA fought PLA therefore likely PLA injuries at least
  4. IA captives were returned to India very quickly and then a week or so later also reported a second round of returning Indian captives. Verifying China's statements.

Chinese rumours say -

  1. Some unknown number of PLA soldiers suffered heavy injuries and a few days to a week after the clash, 1 or 2 passed.
  2. Nothing else because they're not quite as ridiculous and insecure as the Jai Hinds

India rumours say -

  1. PLA suffered 5 deaths, then it became 11, then 20, then 47, then 100, then some wild idiots said several hundred, then an Indian fake news site (God there are a lot of these in the west now especially on facebook and youtube those robot voiced travesties) eventually said something like 40 PLA killed. All of these were made up by random Jai Hinds and they each add to it with their own personal embellishments.
  2. PLA went after the IA with nail studded clubs. No photos or video (only video shows Indians wielding clubs when beating up one PLA liaison officer in a gang so IA definitely do use clubs themselves). The bloody steel reinforcement bars shown in one viral photo with no context could have been a fake. Anyone can have access to steel reo bars and it's unlikely such a crude thing would be used by the PLA. They would have their own dedicated clubs if that is the case rather than steel bars tied togethe

Kunal Biswas

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"The move by India, both in Southern and Northern banks of the Pangong Lake, comes after talks with China reached a stalemate with PLA refusing to budge from its positions."

Source :
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Registered Member
We know you're a troll but for the readers out there, the summary for June clashes:

Chinese official statements/sources say -

  1. India lost 20 men, 3 killed by PLA and 17 died from injuries and exposure because Indian Army did not know about the incident until the next morning. The 17 who died were a mix of falling into ravines, injuries unattended, falling into the river, and exposure to the freezing temperatures. The Indians who ran away did not all have flashlights and were navigating in total darkness. Chinese official statement said PLA suffered injuries but no fatalities.
  2. A few dozen captured including officers. The majority of Indians captured were returned the following day however PLA kept around 10 more senior ranking soldiers until about a week later.

Indian official statements/sources say -

  1. Indian lost 20+ men with more injured
  2. Unknown number of Indians captured by PLA
  3. Not a peep about how many PLA were killed but did mention IA fought PLA therefore likely PLA injuries at least
  4. IA captives were returned to India very quickly and then a week or so later also reported a second round of returning Indian captives. Verifying China's statements.

Chinese rumours say -

  1. Some unknown number of PLA soldiers suffered heavy injuries and a few days to a week after the clash, 1 or 2 passed.
  2. Nothing else because they're not quite as ridiculous and insecure as the Jai Hinds

India rumours say -

  1. PLA suffered 5 deaths, then it became 11, then 20, then 47, then 100, then some wild idiots said several hundred, then an Indian fake news site (God there are a lot of these in the west now especially on facebook and youtube those robot voiced travesties) eventually said something like 40 PLA killed. All of these were made up by random Jai Hinds and they each add to it with their own personal embellishments.
  2. PLA went after the IA with nail studded clubs. No photos or video (only video shows Indians wielding clubs when beating up one PLA liaison officer in a gang so IA definitely do use clubs themselves). The bloody steel reinforcement bars shown in one viral photo with no context could have been a fake. Anyone can have access to steel reo bars and it's unlikely such a crude thing would be used by the PLA. They would have their own dedicated clubs if that is the case rather than steel bars tied togethe
Oh it gets better, hang on let me find it, I saved it down back then:


Registered Member
As one can see, the official stories are pretty much identical. Both agree India lost at least 20 men. CCP does not want to say more than 20 although PLA leakers say the real deaths in IA was close to 50, combination of being killed and injuries+exposure+falling/drowning.

Why would the Indian government and military not say they killed x PLA if they know and if it is true? CCP has admitted the PLA killed 3 Indians but will not take responsibility for the (alleged 17+ others).

Indian rumours are much more ridiculous and juvenile than Chinese rumours. Speaks volumes about the attention the people give to this issue and about Indian insecurities to have to make up literally all the nonsense that is being passed around the internet all debunked. Some Indian fake rumours that have been debunked are the following.

1. 50 names of alleged PLA killed. Somehow the Indian gov and military did not issue this statement but random Indians know the exact names of PLA killed. These names matched perfectly with the names of PLA generals from 1950. A Jai Hind went on wikipedia to get a random list of Chinese military names lol.

2. Graves. PLA graves from Xinjiang of PLA soldiers from border skirmishes from the 20th century were presented as graves of these killed PLA. The only picture of close up shot is likely a photoshop (verify again yourself using photo analysis if you don't believe the ones done by others). The Indians used Chinese media pictures of this graveyard from 2018 and 2009 or 2010 I can't remember but basically the links have been provided here around 10 pages ago and I'm sure people watching this have those pictures too. Even Indian media the responsible ones are debunking this nonsense because it's just too low and pathetic.

3. Lies upon lies I can't even keep up. Saying PLA ambushed them and hunted them down but also saying 1 Jai Hind killed 15 PLA soldiers with his bare hands etc bollywood level intelligence. Contradicting themselves at literally every second claim I can't be bothered listing them all because there's about 100 pages of them right on this thread.


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Ask yourself why the Indian gov is claiming that they lost 1 SFF soldier to "landmine" and 1 SFF soldier to a turned over IFV?? The two names are now admitted by Tibetan exile groups to have been killed by PLA at least one of the two were shot. Why this contradiction and attempt to lie and cover up?? This is India's own MEA and official sources claiming accidents when in reality they were a part of a group fighting PLA in recent clash and at least two were killed. Pakistani intelligence claim 6.

Here Chinese rumours are a bit wild and mention heavy fighting including shooting, with many deaths involved. Chinese rumours say dozens of Indian soldiers were killed and many are Tibetan exile Special Frontier Forces.


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Can someone tell how many Chinese Soilders died in the Galwan Clash?? There is no mention in media as well as by chinese Government. I saw that 20 Indian Soilders are killed but what is the count of chinese soilders! Its hard to believe if the Chinese govt say no casualty from Chinese side. Can someone help on this??
What do you mean by no mention?
There has been clear mentioning. China said there has been casualties, that means injured. No death. On the other hand, indians said 20, when the number is actually 60.
Plus india's army said in it's own statement "20 soldiers died", clearly that means no PLA soldiers died.
Why india's army can't give the number? Were they too busy running for their life? They were the ones running. They should told their nation how many PLA soldiers they could touch after losing 60 indians.
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