Ladakh Flash Point

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Senior Member
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You cant answer and justifies with it as China way!! Wow...This shows what PLA ...Its just a coward people who cant even say to world what happened in Galwan!! These big statement does not even tell my answer!! How many chinese soilders died in galwan?? Why PLA or chinese army did not release the figures? I thought you have given big answers to lot of people so i thought you would know the answer!! Sorry i was wrong. You can continue with self boosting of PLA fight in galwan!!
The only coward is you, who is too ashamed to reveal his true (Indian) identity in this forum. You are, I have to admit, one of the more sophisticated Indian trolls I've come across. Unfortunately, you completely blew your cover in your first three posts.

Kunal Biswas

New Member
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The hindi reports are coming in yesterday incursion in chumar sectors seems to be a convoy of 8 x CSK-131 vehicles and approximatly 50 plagf men, deep inside bufferzone ( No mans land ) ..

More troops called in, black top is probably the main show down area now..


Banned Idiot
Registered Member
The only coward is you, who is too ashamed to reveal his true (Indian) identity in this forum.
So is this forum only for Chinese boosting about their about themselves? Ohh sorry i did not know that!! How many chinese soilder died in galwan?? was my simple question ...I did not know to answer i need to be a chinese!! Again shameless


Banned Idiot
Registered Member
One more added to the ignore list.

Sigh, my ignore list used to be quite exclusive till all the Indian trolls started popping up. Must be all that extra unemployment in India giving them more free time to troll the world.
Lol...ignore the PLA got kicked in galwan!! Cant answer ...just block them...!! No facebook or youtube....just only gas of PLA!! Keep it in your dreams


Banned Idiot
Registered Member
The only coward is you, who is too ashamed to reveal his true (Indian) identity in this forum. You are, I have to admit, one of the more sophisticated Indian trolls I've come across. Unfortunately, you completely blew your cover in your first three posts.
Just One simple question....This forum is destroyed!! Can some one please answer how many chinese soilders killed in Galwan?? Plzzzz


Registered Member
Okay I think this is enough to conclude you are a troll, most likely an Indian troll who disguised his location as being from China. I have to say, these individuals are becoming increasingly sophisticated with their infiltration tactics. Completely disregarding answers from other posters and repeating the same question every single time in a provocative manner is really telling of your true identity. If you want to infiltrate this forum as a fake Chinese, try harder next time.
Yet the end result is going to be the same, they always end up BTFO when the truth comes out. If India wants to escalate, then China will respond and ultimately, if India doesn't stop there provocative acts, it is likely countries around there (India, Iran, even Russia that might not enjoy the idea of India allying with the US given there rather painful history) will take note of the situation and plan accordingly since India isn't exactly a nation that is none for being kind of Muslims (look at Kashmir). Again, how much India wants this fight, is whether they are that desperate to find a scapegoat for their poor handling of the economy and pandemic responses. Not matter what action is taken, if Modi caannot solve the problems in regards to the economy or pandemic, it will be him that will be hung out to dry since this conflict was started by India and this was botched terribly


Junior Member
Registered Member
You cant answer and justifies with it as China way!! Wow...This shows what PLA ...Its just a coward people who cant even say to world what happened in Galwan!! These big statement does not even tell my answer!! How many chinese soilders died in galwan?? Why PLA or chinese army did not release the figures? I thought you have given big answers to lot of people so i thought you would know the answer!! Sorry i was wrong. You can continue with self boosting of PLA fight in galwan!!

What makes you think you're so entitled with an easy answer to your rude way of asking? Everyone owes you a living here? Ask nicely you might get it. Ask rudely you go get it yourself. Go dig through the pages.

And please stop typing with your multiple exclamation (!) and question marks (?), you Drama Queen.
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