Militarily, China can deal with India. But I don't know what are China's prospects on the diplomatic front. I would predict a lot of cheer leading for India from the West, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Vietnam. India would be portrayed as 'Rocky' going up against 'Ivan Drago' China. Sanctions, boycotts, and more anti-China hate are almost guaranteed for China. India could get a boost of unjustified international prestige, further inflating their already bloated ego.
The problem is Russia. Could Russia join in on cheer leading India to boost the glory of Russian weaponry? India is after all Russia's no.1 defence client. While China is Russia's most important economic and geo-strategic partner, could China pressure Russia to halt military supplies to India? Looking at how Russia's MIC is so sacred to the nation, and its precarious economy, its hard to predict Russia's decision here.
How can Russia help India? There is no direct route.
Russia plays everyone against each other. Don't expect them to really help anyone.