Ladakh Flash Point

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Are you for real?

It's virtually impossible for two large groups of people to fight each other hand-to-hand and only one side to sustain injuries. Indeed, even the Global Times admitted there were Chinese casualties but the PLA haven't released them, presumably to avoid whipping up anger amongst Chinese nationalists.

Global Times is not a reliable source. Just wait for official announcement.


Registered Member
dozens of indians were captured and released, they'll tell their side's story later.

But it won't matter, because China will still be blamed as the aggressor.

For example, the average Indian today still believes that China started the 1962 war.
The Indian government and Indian media still continue with this fake news, because the truth is devastating.
India starting a war which it then loses??

Authoritative Indian sources below
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India even admitted that over 40 of their soldiers (probably more) were captured by the Chinese and returned.

This reminds of a quote by Otto von Bismark. When Prussia was campaigning against Denmark, someone asked him what he would do if England invaded Germany? Bismark replied: "If the British Army lands in Germany, I'd get the police to arrest them." (lolz)

This should be more embarrassing for India than the KIA... 40 of their soldiers somehow managed to get 'arrested' lolz


Junior Member
On a side note, it's quite an awful and hilarious thing that a deadly conflict between two nuclear powers that resulted in dozens of casulties were fought using cold weapons. We on this forum talk about all kinds of state-of-the-art tanks, rifles, artillery, fighter jets, bombers, missiles, you name it, but in the end none of them is really used.

I don't mean this is a bad thing - it's a good thing. Just that this thought alone gives me some strange feelings.


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While the Chinese numbers are just speculation at this point, any high number doesn't really make any logical sense based on what we know right now. We know many of the Indian casualties were from falling into the Galwan river and succumbing to either the cold or from the fall and that they had to be retrieved downstream. The Galwan river from what I can see flows into further Indian controlled territory so it would have been very unlikely that if the Chinese fell in large numbers, China would have been able to retrieve their bodies. No doubt India would have seen or retrieved multiple Chinese bodies if that were the case and it would have been all over the news.
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