Effectively the same. The line where China reached in 1062, the de facto lac shown on Google maps still stands, though claims by both sides have not changed. With the exception of gogra and hot springs, both sides are back to where they were before 2020, though in Galwan, both sides have permanent camps abut a km from the lac, which runs just south of the river bend(the historic pp14). In addition, there is a temporary no patrolling agreement along most of the conflict points.So at the end of the day did any real changes occur at LAC? Or is it just back to the previous status quo?
In Gogra, both sides are deployed in forward positions very close to each other but on their respective sides of the lac. China did pull some camps about 2 km in july, which was reciprocated by India, but China still did not go back to its previoious position, forcing India to continue its mirror deployment. Hence, the Indian mod statement that Gogra and hot Springs have not been disengaged as there is still a standoff there, even though China is not violating Indian claims, despite what some claim(keep in mind it is China that has differing perceptions in that sector, not India. Adm. Davidson corroborated this, when he said China is occupying forward position,s but did not say they were in territory that falls within India's perceptions. For reference , the point Adm. Davidson was referring to is near the red circle, which represents territory China claims. As of now, Chinese positions are about 1-2 km behind that circle
So other than Gogra Hot Springs, the situation is mostly status quo before 2020, with restrictions on patrolling along certain parts of the lac on both sides as of now.