@ougoah @Kaeshmiri
I think he said it right Indian Army is a politicized institution.
16K views13 hours ago
Serving officers must resist erosion of military ethos and learning
I disagree with what he says here. Politicised is almost of no consequence on the performance of a military if it is structured in certain ways. For instance, China's military has been heavily politicised since the revolution. It just operates in a way that manages to separate the performance of the military with many aspects of politics, perhaps more so than Indian military does but that still remains to be actually concluded.
India's military isn't performing any better or worse than expected from a country of its standing, circumstances, and underlying cultures. Pravin laments India military's capabilities in comparison to first rate militaries who are much more well financed and have access to much more resources and a longer, deeper scientific and industrial establishments. None of these things stay static and with changes, they could change for the better. It is in China's interest to keep India's military progressing at a much slower rate than China's. The difference is that China has no genuine wish to even associate with India or get involved with them. Beyond some disputes the two share, China is overwhelmingly not interested in India, in increasing influence in India or invading it and taking on the huge mess that it is.
India on the other hand would annex neighbours like it did with Goa, Sikkim, and a dozen other smaller neighbours. Not to mention intrude into neighbours land like with Nepal with Bhutan. They will use Hinduism to leverage while doing all that. With China, they will just invade if they had the means to.
India's military issues are their economic and industrial issues.