JF-17/FC-1 Fighter Aircraft thread


Lieutenant General
totally disagree. this plane is too small and the avionics are no where near the level of f16. if you compare it to 1970s early block f16's, i will agree. But comparing them to current f16, it's ludicrous.

F16 is like a honda civic or ford focus, both developed since the 60s and 70s. They went through a lot of major and minor upgrades. The current generation look nothing like the original design. They're are so different to the point even the core is different. The JF17 is like a VW santana. to those of you don't know about it, it is a car introduced by vw since 1980. It is still on sale in China. What's amazing about it is all the new models are identical to the old one, there's almost no changes.

Sure the JF17 will have big displays and a radar, but fundamentally it is still a J7. Due to its size and limited power supply, its radar will be tiny. Its range and payload are also limited due to its size. It's more comparable to a F5 tigershark, not F16.

From that, I can tell without a doubt you haven't got a clue about the JF17, or F16s for that matter. Just read through this very thread to see how wrong you are about the JF17.

As for the F16, well which parallel dimension did you come from where F16s had BVR, precision strike, HMS/off-broadside missiles, glass cockpit, stand-off anti-ship capability, SEAD/DEAD capability with ARMs etc in the 1970s?

Only the latest F16 blk 52 and above are meaningfully better than the JF17, and the Thunder is competitive against all earlier F16s, including the vast majority still flown by the USAF and NATO allies.


Lieutenant General
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To be fair, JF-17's closest peer was probably the F-20 tigershark (not the F-5 obviously) -- which in turn was a competitor with the F-16.

Obviously JF-17 fields current generation avionics and has a more diverse weapons selection than the F-20 did (I believe it could only carry maverick as PGMs?). Other potential peers are Taiwan's Chingkuo fighters and the vanilla gripen. JF-17, chingkuo, gripen and F-20 are in a slightly lower weight class compared to F-16.... In effect, JF-17 will be a slightly smaller F-16 block 52, offering similar A2A and A2G capability, but with less MTOW.


Banned Idiot
totally disagree. this plane is too small and the avionics are no where near the level of f16. if you compare it to 1970s early block f16's, i will agree. But comparing them to current f16, it's ludicrous.

F16 is like a honda civic or ford focus, both developed since the 60s and 70s. They went through a lot of major and minor upgrades. The current generation look nothing like the original design. They're are so different to the point even the core is different. The JF17 is like a VW santana. to those of you don't know about it, it is a car introduced by vw since 1980. It is still on sale in China. What's amazing about it is all the new models are identical to the old one, there's almost no changes.

Sure the JF17 will have big displays and a radar, but fundamentally it is still a J7. Due to its size and limited power supply, its radar will be tiny. Its range and payload are also limited due to its size. It's more comparable to a F5 tigershark, not F16.

Funny, I remember you were the ones that propose that everyone post something that must be back up with link and sources, otherwise they should not post anything. You are also the one that make fun of Chinese fanboys for their excessive enthusiasm.

Why does it give me the feeling that when it come to you, the rules that you proposed does not apply?

Oh and I'm still waiting for your source that Russia have hundreds of AESA fitted jet while China have none.


Banned Idiot
the three picture above indicate FC-1 undergoing test,likely new solfware allow the aircraft to cary sd-10 and pershap a new radar ? PAF been requesting AESA radar .from China ,after hearing that India will equip there MIg-29 with Phozotron Zhuk-m .according to Miltech, rule of thumb,AESA mean 70% increase in detection range over mechanical slotted array radar.


Senior Member
To be fair, JF-17's closest peer was probably the F-20 tigershark (not the F-5 obviously) -- which in turn was a competitor with the F-16.

Obviously JF-17 fields current generation avionics and has a more diverse weapons selection than the F-20 did (I believe it could only carry maverick as PGMs?). Other potential peers are Taiwan's Chingkuo fighters and the vanilla gripen. JF-17, chingkuo, gripen and F-20 are in a slightly lower weight class compared to F-16.... In effect, JF-17 will be a slightly smaller F-16 block 52, offering similar A2A and A2G capability, but with less MTOW.

Ching kuo display a very inferior thrust to weight ratio. And it agility is no where near JF-17. Plus the range is very limited unlike thunder.
JF-17 will be better by Gripen but Gripen is 3 times more expensive.
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asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
To be fair, JF-17's closest peer was probably the F-20 tigershark (not the F-5 obviously) -- which in turn was a competitor with the F-16.

Obviously JF-17 fields current generation avionics and has a more diverse weapons selection than the F-20 did (I believe it could only carry maverick as PGMs?). Other potential peers are Taiwan's Chingkuo fighters and the vanilla gripen. JF-17, chingkuo, gripen and F-20 are in a slightly lower weight class compared to F-16.... In effect, JF-17 will be a slightly smaller F-16 block 52, offering similar A2A and A2G capability, but with less MTOW.

no certainly not true, in 1981 F-20 Tigershark was offered to the Pakistan Air Force, it was rejected, simple reason it did not fit into the needs and doctrine of the PAF and US at the time did not put the F16 on the table

after F16 was flown it was magic, for the first time a fighter which was designed to do what PAF wanted, that is to engage aircraft in a dogfight, even F15 Eagle does not match the F16 in this area of combat, its all in the name the--Fighting Falcon

top down its designed to engage in a twisting and turning fight, it is really a remarkable aircraft, superb handling and extra-ordinary balance and control very rarely replicated in any other aircraft in the world, infact the newer versions with conformal fuel tanks lack the edge the older F16s had

JF17 was started so to fill the gap of F16 and to somehow match its performance, and its comes very close, JF17 has no other comparison other than F16 not F4, F5 or F20 only F16

only thing JF17 needs is more powerful engine and greater use of composites, that will allow it to pull extreme manouvers like vertical break from low altitude, that is area where F16 excels over JF17, the engine department which shall soon be addressed
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Banned Idiot
JF17 was started so to fill the gap of F16 and to somehow match its performance, and its comes very close, JF17 has no other comparison other than F16 not F4, F5 or F20 only F16

no, it was designed, and intended, to replace Mirage III and J-7, which it is in the same class, and most likely performance envelope, of.

this is an economy plane, not a super-project.

just because it's the best one's country can afford, doesn't mean it's the best.

can we please stop with the overestimating? the sub-text reveals such pitiful insecurities!
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This video has quite a bit of information on the JF-17. :D
