Two things are crucial to the JF-17 Thunder. The first being the WS-13 Taishan engines, which have a higher performance than to the RD-93s or RD-33Us and have longer endurance between engine servicing. Also, we have got to get rid of the God Damn Smoke trails on the Thunder power-plant. With all the effort put into making JF-17 Thunders the main part of Pakistan Air Force's fighter fleet. It is essential that we manage to get everything right. Engine smoke trails ought to be resolved comprehensively.
The second thing crucial to the JF-17 Thunders is giving it larger wing area which would allow it more hard-points. With (x3) hard-points already occupied by Gasoline-Tanks, the Thunder can only carry (x4) Air-to-Air Missiles, which includes the Wing-Tip Rails. It's either Larger-Wing area, or Dual-Racks which can carry up to (x2) Air-to-Air Missiles on one rack. This would allow the Thunder to carry at least (x4) SD-10 BVR missiles and (x2) PL-9 WVR missiles.
I think people are overly obsessed about number of hard points.
carrying that many missiles will likely effect the flight performance and endurance of JF-17. JF-17 really aren't likely ever going to need more than 2 SD-10As and 2 SRAAMs in any air combat scenarios. If you look at J-10, it rarely carries more than 2 PL-12s and 2 PL-8Bs. Even if you really need more, they have dual racks now, so that's pretty easy to put on JF-17