Nice! The previous we seen is dummy. I bet this one is real but probably without a live warhead.
Are they any weapons ranges near Chengdu that anyone knows of?
I don't really see the point in loading planes up with real missiles unless you plan to fire them (ruling out the possibility that the planes are going on patrol obviously).
Dummies can simulate carriage and separation nicely (you also need a range to carry out separation tests with dummy missiles), and training rounds would be more than good enough to test the electronics. The only things a real missile have that a training round does not are real engines and warheads, and you only need those if you are planning on launching a round.
sales brochure for JF-17.
showing JF-17 capability from Raad cruise miissile,brazilian Mar-1 ARM and C-802 anti ship missile.
the first picture show conformal fuel tank .
Thunder Block II will get AWACS integration and mid-air refueling, Block III will get WS13 and 2 seater version even then there is no plan to get conformals good brochure though
What is the source of this information? Is this even official or just a fan boy wish list?