Japan spots Chinese Warships


New Member
J-8IIs would wipe the sky clean of Jap fighters.

They have F-15Js, which are slightly inferior to the Flankers in Chinese Inventory. It is the FLankers that will wipe the sky clean.

Japan's GDP per capita is among the highest, if not the highest in the world.


Banned Idiot
i guess the flankers are pretty on par with the slightly downgrade f-15 j's. in a navl battle, japn would win hands down.

even if japn won, it would hurt the country in the long run.


Senior Member
VIP Professional
MIGleader said:
i guess the flankers are pretty on par with the slightly downgrade f-15 j's. in a navl battle, japn would win hands down.

even if japn won, it would hurt the country in the long run.

In an air war you got to remember that the F-15J pilots train constantly with their E-3 support. They have worked out tactics and how best to employ. This will give them an edge. PLAAF AWACS are still to be put into service.


Banned Idiot
the kj-2000 may be used, or a smaller awacs. i'm pretty sure china has already trained some pilots to work with awacs, though they wont be as effective as japns.

chinas one advantage is if it can slip its taiwan marines protected by subs and moderrn destroyers through the kaigun, it can land them in japan pretty easily and gain an upper hand on land.

Su-27 Pilot

Junior Member
IDonT said:
You are escalating the conflict. What is stopping Japan from attacking Chinese bases or invading islands within the Chinese EEZ?
We are already at war with Japan. So attacking their military installations makes perfect sense. Also PLA should missile key Japanese cities to teach Japan a lesson again.

Su-27 Pilot

Junior Member
TJJH said:
There is no point in having a strong military if your economy can't stand going to war with a potential opponent. Just look what happened to the Soviet Union.

China's Economy is one of the top in the world. Even US's economy with China will suffer hugely. I think if China can support the largest military in the world and spend so much at modernizing so fast, and still China can support itself with the helpful flow of the world economy for the war.


Senior Member
VIP Professional
vincelee said:
the next time someone posts garbage from strategypage, please write "total bullshit" on top of the leader.

if you're getting info solely from stratpage, you have problems.

Point taken about strategy page. Now can you fix your ass holish problem? You are so obnoxious, if you have nothing to add do not post.


New Member
In case anyones wondering, I'm referring to Japan here. It pretty much can't afford to war with anyone but Africa at the moment...


Senior Member
VIP Professional
Could you not read the article? The Chinese ships were on what even the Japanese said was the CHINESE SIDE OF THE ISLAND CHAIN! If the Japanese attacked a Chinese ship on Chinese territory without any provacation (and Chinese ships sailing on their own territory DOES NOT COUNT), then there will be NO WAY IN HELL that the US will back Japan!
You never know if the USA will help Japan, just make a reason. Look at Vietnam.

But if the Japanese do commit war, don't go attack the ships at sea. Send a few to follow them, but don't attack them. Attack the ports, the islands instead, and see who will win.

BTW, Japan has E-767s, not E-3s.


Junior Member
I believe that a lot of countries fear China, and especially the possibility that China could become SEA's strongest superpower, these include Taiwan (obviously), Japan, South Korea, India and the USA. If these join togheter in some kind of a 'anti-Chinese alliance', then China will have a hard time. Especially Japan has started to become more aggressive towards China and friendlier towards Taiwan, these two joining in a U.S. backed alliance already could be quite a threat to China, and then we have India sitting at the 'backdoor'.

The Japanese Self-Defence Forces are also undergoing a quite rapid (and expensive) modernisation, and now with Koizumi re-elected they might drop the 'Self'-part and become 'ordinary' defence forces. Japan already has a navy that is both modern and guite large, a very god air force, and good fround forces.

Also: China has never forgotten the Japanese attack in the 30's and what the Japanese did then and in WWII, and Japan knows this very well.