I'm getting real tired of you fellows whining about western news reports about China. What if I whined about all the biased news I hear about the west? I'd be whining 24/7 Get over yourselves.. China's in the big time now..
If you think that there is no deliberate intention to smear any and every piece of news coming out of China, then you obviously haven't paid attention to the 2008 Tibet Riots.
The stories I link below are personal, first-hand experiences:
I attended the rally along with a few friends. In fact, I pretty much followed the organization of the rally on Chinese BBSes in the weeks before it. There were more than just Chinese students at the rally. There were landed immigrants and naturalized and even second generation Chinese Canadians. I saw people bringing in their entire family.
The slogans were peaceful and positive, such as "We love China", "No to Riots". The people were civilized. One young man got arrested because, get this: he tried to defend the Chinese flag from an unprovoked attack by Tibetan Separatists. I saw this with my own eyes, and there are photos on the internet to prove it.
All of the above, I saw with my own eyes. When I got home, however, I saw instead the following pieces of "journalism":
article1 said:
The rally with flag-waving Chinese students hurling insults against Tibetans put a black mark on Toronto’s popular Dundas Square yesterday.
Touted as a gathering to promote “anti-violence”, a throng of about 1,000 students chanted “Dalai Lama die there” to a small counter protest of Tibetan protesters who had gathered across the street.
This article is filled with venomous, outright lies. Nothing much needs to be said about it.
article2 said:
Organized by an ad hoc group of Chinese students in Toronto – many of whom are studying here on visas – the peaceful rally urged Canadians to support a unified China.
And students and speakers denied charges, made at an earlier pro-Tibet protest in front of the Chinese consulate on St. George St., that the Chinese government promoted the event at Yonge-Dundas Square.
article3 said:
"I think it's a scam, I think it's a shame," said activist Dora Nipp. "They are visa students, and they are students who are being controlled by the Chinese Consulate here. They were down in Chinatown buying flags because that's what they're told to do."
You would think that big, mainstream news agencies like the Toronto Star and CTV would know that it's the Canadian government who issues those visas, not the Chinese government! Why was this simple fact not pointed out to those Tibetan Separatist commentators?
Finally, I'm well aware that bias exists in every news source. The problem is, while Dems and Republicans each have their mouthpiece, China has no voice in the West. Do you think Fox News can get away with the kind of outright lies and misleading reporting on Obama that we saw in the 3 articles I linked? Keep in mind that those articles are NOT commentaries or opinion pieces!
That is why we, overseas Chinese, must act as a counter-weight and point out the BS when we see it.