So it looks like Japan didn't lie after all, technically, when they insisted there were no meltdown at Fukushima.
What we have instead is a melt-through.
And it gets better, plutonium was found outside the plant for the first time.
Japan fears meltdown worse than first thought
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Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Broadcast: 10/06/2011
Reporter: Mark Willacy
Japanese authorities admit nuclear material in the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant's reactor may have leaked into the ground.
ALI MOORE, PRESENTER: Japanese authorities have admitted the crisis at the Fukushima nuclear plant in March may have been worse than a core meltdown.
In an official report that will go to the UN's nuclear watchdog, Japan says nuclear fuel in three reactors possibly melted through several pressure vessels and into the earth below.
As North Asia correspondent Mark Willacy reports, a so-called melt-through is the worst outcome in a nuclear accident.
MARK WILLACY, REPORTER: For the Japanese the news from Fukushima gets worse every day.
This week it went from a reactor meltdown to what they're calling a melt-through.
GOSHI HOSONO, SPECIAL ADVISOR TO JAPANESE PM (Translation): At present there is damage to the bottom of the reactor container, we call this ‘core melting’ in English. Part of the nuclear fuel has fallen onto the dry earth floor and it's possible that it's still lodged there.
MARK WILLACY: According to atomic experts, this is about as serious as it gets in a nuclear disaster. Dangerous levels of radioactive iodine and cesium have already contaminated the sea, the soil, groundwater, and the air.
This week plutonium was detected for the first time outside the stricken plant, and Strontium-90, known as a bone seeker because it can cause bone cancer and Leukaemia, has now been found as far away as 60 kilometres from the facility.
Higher levels were found closer to the plant in Minamisoma, a city of 70,000.
TETSURO FUKUYAMA, GOVERNMENT SPOKESMAN (Translation): Hot spots were found, meaning there were certain spots with very high readings of radiation.
MARK WILLACY: In a country built on conformity and compliance, there's now growing criticism of the government's handling of the crisis.
SHINGO MIMURA, GOVERNOR OF AOMORI PREFECTURE (Translation): It's really difficult for us to understand how the Japanese government determined its safety.
KATSUNOBU SAKURAI, MINAMISOMA MAYOR (Translation): I think the government panicked. Considering so many people had to lock themselves indoors for so long, then drawing a line 20-30 kilometres around the plant, judging it by distance alone, this is questionable.
MARK WILLACY: Ordinary citizens are now taking the government to task for its handling of the Fukushima disaster.
Law school graduate, Takanori Eto, even plans to sue.
TAKANORI ETO, PLAINTIFF (Translation): There are dangers inherent in the government's nuclear policy. From the beginning mistakes were made. Even after the accident the Japanese government was unable to protect the people.
So rather than remain silent I wanted to bring these lapses to light in a law suit.
MARK WILLACY: This week, in a draft report to the United Nations atomic watchdog, Japan admitted that it wasn't prepared for the Fukushima meltdown.
It also acknowledged that its nuclear regulator was run by a ministry, which has been the chief promoter of nuclear energy for decades.
BANRI KAIEDA, INDUSTRY MINISTER (Translation): As a first step we have to make the Nuclear Safety Agency independent of the industry minister.
MARK WILLACY: For many Japanese, it's too little, too late. Instead, they're bracing themselves for more bad news next week.
Mark Willacy, Lateline.