J-XX Fighter Aircraft

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Banned Idiot
I would not be surprised at all if war broke out today you would see some sort of PRC stealth fighter deployed and fighting now.

I would imagine it would take the form of some twin engine, radar absorbing covered, mixture of both passive and active stealth features in the form of a J-10 type airframe.

Would not take much to have something stealthy, at night and in such a cluttered battle-space such as the Taiwan straits would be very hard to make good contact and identification depending on who is looking.

Remember there is going to be more radar contacts be it surface or air contacts than any American or for that matter RoC information collating systems can handle. Not to mention ECM dedicated aircraft throwing wrenches into the battle management system
There are so much exaggeration about the Chinese military tecnology.
China high tech industrial base remain weak,all of the current weapon system such as J-10 ,yuan class submarine,aerospace engine...etc has outside input,particular from russia.


VIP Professional
I think China can develop a low RCS airframe but the current weakness lies in engines. China is very good in platform designing but the industrial base lags in engine development, which is why you have foreign engines, licensed, copied or imported, from planes, to ships and tanks. Oddly enough, the only things that don't import or use licensed engines are the nuclear subs or the steam turbined boats.

I don't think China can create an F-22 class of fighter just not yet, and perhaps for a decade. But it can make cruise missiles, drones, UAVs, and small interceptors with RCS levels that can close the gap between current designs and true 5th generation stealth planes. These alone can amount to major headaches to any rival neighbor. Even to the US, that's still a major problem too, because having stealth planes does not mean that these stealth planes are ready to engage similar kind. Fight fire with fire is not a good anti stealth strategy; you really need water.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Dont go into BBS, Sina or Magazines for credible resource for Chinese military hardware. Its based on a western perspective so the information will be either bias or inaccurate.

The post stating the China isnt up to scratch with an F-35 standard technology I agree to them to a certain degree. The VTOL technology is probably what they meant by the F-35 standard.

But the rest in terms of very low RCS, airframe, avionics, weapons system isnt true as the Chinese have shown that they are capable of these items.

Though the engine problem is an urguing matter despite all these improvements. They have the body but not the legs to run the aircraft.

A cheaper next generation aircraft along side the more expensive and technological consuming one would be a very low RCS Chinese flanker, with engine placement alterations and air inlets.

petty officer1

Junior Member
I just wonder why china doesn't just go with stealth UAV instead a F-22 caliber fighter? manned stealth fighter will be short lived anyway, it will be outdated by unmanned stealth UAV in prabably 20 years anyway.

If China develop a UAV unstead of JXX, they might even skip a whole generation.

just my 2 cents.


Junior Member
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The logistics and technology for a F-22 UCAV equivalent is a huge step, even moreso then China's attempt of an F-22. UCAV hasnt proven to be sufficiently reliable in performing all missions, with computer errors happening frequently upon decision making of giving priority to specific targets.

UCAV can never replace the manned fighter jets, as UCAV will never attain human judgment, reactions and etc.

Also China is still very far away from such technology, maybe a recon, surveliance, light attack UCAV would be feasible, but not in the scale of an F-22.


Junior Member
Historically, Chinese military research has been evolutionary in nature. They are cautious and meticulous, testing small design increments on proven designs. It is not like them to take a generation skipping step. Just too much risk. That is not to say that such a program is probably not on-going, but it is just not the primary (and visible) egg in the basket.


Banned Idiot
I just wonder why china doesn't just go with stealth UAV instead a F-22 caliber fighter? manned stealth fighter will be short lived anyway, it will be outdated by unmanned stealth UAV in prabably 20 years anyway.

If China develop a UAV unstead of JXX, they might even skip a whole generation.

just my 2 cents.

Did you ever watch China's air show? so many UCAV display, China has many project on that,also two Jxx(maned stealthy fighter) project display at air show in 2004.
both things China already has researched for a long time.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
China has skipped generations in technology wise quite often, an example is China telecommunications their mobile is more developed than lan ones and is also cheaper and more reliable.

They have jumped straight into mobile technology in telecommunications instead of developing a proper lan system. Possible light attack UCAV to enter the PLAAF in a shorter time would be a lightly armed modified WZ-2000 armed with x2 HJ-9.


Banned Idiot
China has skipped generations in technology wise quite often, an example is China telecommunications their mobile is more developed than lan ones and is also cheaper and more reliable.

They have jumped straight into mobile technology in telecommunications instead of developing a proper lan system. Possible light attack UCAV to enter the PLAAF in a shorter time would be a lightly armed modified WZ-2000 armed with x2 HJ-9.

China's progress in this regard, the result of China's civilian and electronic technology development, that is to say, China's high-speed economic development, and promote the development of electronic technology, which, in turn, the electronic application of science and technology in economic development, to benefit economic development .
And electronic technology can be both military and civilian applications.
HQ-12 already deploy operational in PLA.
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