J-XX Fighter Aircraft

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Junior Member
Re: J-xx

Leave aside the future JXX issue, I want a clear answer about the FC1's number as of NOW: Apart from the 6 prototypes, 4 pre-production ones that are suposed to be delivered this year (2 delivered in April before Pakistan's national day parade), CAN any one tell me where are the other flying FC1s, because not all of the 10 existing ones can fly (2 static testbeds, 2 pre-production ones that are still doing ground testings)

With these 10 (less than 8 flyable) FC1s, I don't call it ready.

You really should post your question in the proper thread. Back in August there was a report in Pakistani press about transfer of further 6 JF17 / FC1 aircraft from China. That would mean 8 production units in existence as of now.


Junior Member
The reason why I asked that question about FC1's number was to prove that FC1 is still not ready to enter service, thus it's impossible that a vastly changed version can exist, let alone flying with a heck of weapon load.

But, I was told that FC1 is ready because there are more than 10 planes FLYING. So I pointed out the known FC1: 6 prototypes, 2 Pre-production ones that participated in the Pakistan national parade and another 2 that were supposed to be delivered around August.

Now you are saying actually there should be another 6 to be delivered. But where are they?

I think you mixed up something. Among the 6, 2 of them are the ones that should be delivered in August. The other 4 are supposed to be delivered in the second half of 2007 and first half of 2008 period.

But, unfortunetely, the none of these 6 are delieved yet AFIK. Also, the 2 delieved ones are now back in CAC.

Come on, design and produce a fighter jet is not a simple job. A lot of things need to be done and take time.
OK, I stop talking about FC1 in this thread now.
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Junior Member
Re: J-xx

But, unfortunetely, the none of these 6 are delieved yet AFIK. Also, the 2 delieved ones are now back in CAC.

Your source is? The two delivered are with PAC at Kamra, where PAC engineers carry out their study while Pilots selected for JF-17s continue to train. Just saw them few days back.

4 pilots according to my knowledge are in China (at CAC) going through final procedures to bring 4 more JF-17s. Perhaps thats what took so long. Only 2 were suppose to come couple of months back but I guess they decided to wait for 2 more.


Senior Member
Re: J-xx

Okay, is this:

1) purely drawn?

2) F-22 photoshopped to modify wings, exhaust, canards?

3) some kind of semi-official preview leak?



Lieutenant General
Re: J-xx

It's PSed. There's another photo with two in it. Problem, the shot is same exact angle and the extra fighter lines up exactly the same with the wires. Double image.


Re: J-xx

Sorry...it seems to me some of the UFOs photos I have seen looks more credible. :)
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