Junior Member
Re: J-xx
You really should post your question in the proper thread. Back in August there was a report in Pakistani press about transfer of further 6 JF17 / FC1 aircraft from China. That would mean 8 production units in existence as of now.
Leave aside the future JXX issue, I want a clear answer about the FC1's number as of NOW: Apart from the 6 prototypes, 4 pre-production ones that are suposed to be delivered this year (2 delivered in April before Pakistan's national day parade), CAN any one tell me where are the other flying FC1s, because not all of the 10 existing ones can fly (2 static testbeds, 2 pre-production ones that are still doing ground testings)
With these 10 (less than 8 flyable) FC1s, I don't call it ready.
You really should post your question in the proper thread. Back in August there was a report in Pakistani press about transfer of further 6 JF17 / FC1 aircraft from China. That would mean 8 production units in existence as of now.