Re: J-xx
This article claims to be based on an interview with a designer of the original FC-1 / JF-17. Basically, the designer says that the FC-1 / JF-17 had to be built to be very low cost, and they had to cut a lot of corners to do that. So while developing FC-1 / JF-17, a modified version that would NOT be subject to the cost constraint was already considered. Then he goes on to talk in general terms about the modified successor to FC-1 / JF-17. (In my opinion, this is the JF-20 referred to by Pakistani officials.)
首先,两型“枭龙”最大的外观区别在垂尾上。老“枭龙”采用的是高大的单垂尾,这样不仅会使整机高度过高,而且严重影响隐身性能。改型将单垂尾改为外倾的双垂尾,改善了隐身效果,并有效降低了机身高度。而且中国还没有自行设计制造过双垂尾的战斗机,相信这会是一次有益的尝试。 在机首处,改型将原来的圆截面机头改为菱形截面,这样可以增强飞机整体的隐身效果。而对于肋下进气的飞机,也可提高进气效率。改型继承了“枭龙”标志性的DSI进气口设计,只是因机头的变化而做了部分修形。
If this article is legitimate, we can conclude several things.
1) China is making great strides in integrating stealth technology into aircraft. First the J-11B, and now this.
2) These photographs are deliberately revealed. Otherwise, they would have stayed under wraps. That magazine may have landed a major scoop by getting the chance to unveil it first.
3) The photograph of the aircraft taking off
may or may not be real -- it may be CG, or it may be an actual prototype. But we can rule out the possibility that it is mere fan created art cobbled together from existing aircraft like F-35 and F-18.