J-35A fighter (PLAAF) + FC-31 thread


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By the way, a question again from the numbers nerd: Am I wrong or does the number 3551 simply doesn't make sense? According to what we thought, then the 35 would stand for J-35, the 5 for the 5th subtype and the 1 for the 1st prototype. Actually, it doesn't make sense ...

Actually the naval version are numbers according to a 35000X or recently 350X pattern and so 351X would be more realistic for the J-35A. Or am I wrong?


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During the interview, SAC Chief Designer Wang recalled a book titled
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which inspired him during his time as a student at BUAA.

He then shared photos of six different aircraft designs documented by said book, which he characterized as "innovative," and claimed that many of them ultimately became "realities." However, none of these designs ever entered serial production, with the very arguable exception being the little known Edgley EA-7 Optica with 22 airframes supposedly built, 10 of which were reportedly lost to arson.

Not sure if Chief Designer Wang was humoring us, or if he was hinting to something, or if the CCTV production team simply presented the wrong slide, or if something else occurred?

Almost wondering if he's implying that SAC is working on manned and/or unmanned systems resembling one or more of the "innovative" designs he shared from "Fantastic Flying Machines" . . .


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During the interview, SAC Chief Designer Wang recalled a book titled
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which inspired him during his time as a student at BUAA.

He then shared photos of six different aircraft designs documented by said book, which he characterized as "innovative," and claimed that many of them ultimately became "realities." However, none of these designs ever entered serial production, with the very arguable exception being the little known Edgley EA-7 Optica with 22 airframes supposedly built, 10 of which were reportedly lost to arson.

Not sure if Chief Designer Wang was humoring us, or if he was hinting to something, or if the CCTV production team simply presented the wrong slide, or if something else occurred?

Almost wondering if he's implying that SAC is working on manned and/or unmanned systems resembling one or more of the "innovative" designs he shared from "Fantastic Flying Machines" . . .

If Chinese sixth gen are any indication I think we’d be in for a surprise.


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The one aspect of aerial warfare that Chief Designer Wang emphasized and effectively described as all important, after more or less characterizing VLO as a standard feature moving forward, was speed.


Between Chief Designer Wang's emphasis on speed, and photos of the canceled, albeit almost legendary XB-70 Valkyrie and the experimental Bristol Type 188, guessing SAC likely got something hypersonic or close to it in the works . . .

If Chinese sixth gen are any indication I think we’d be in for a surprise.


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Between Chief Designer Wang's emphasis on speed, and photos of the canceled, albeit almost legendary XB-70 Valkyrie and the experimental Bristol Type 188, guessing SAC likely got something hypersonic or close to it in the works . . .

Sorry, but I would be very, very, very much careful with such claims or even expectations! IMO these are just much too far-fetched.


Registered Member
Sorry, but I would be very, very, very much careful with such claims or even expectations! IMO these are just much too far-fetched.
It is pushing the boundaries, but CCTV promoted separately a section of the program (3-4 mins long) which summarized China's aircraft development history, and ended with the emphasis that the one requirement which doesn't change in each generation of Chinese fighters is speed.


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Sorry, but I would be very, very, very much careful with such claims or even expectations! IMO these are just much too far-fetched.

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; and Chief Designer Wang's emphasis on speed is by no measure unmerited.

As @coolgod noted, the need for speed has been echoed elsewhere within the Chinese defense aviation industry.

... but we are still in the J-35A section and to think it or even the just flown J-XDS are "ething hypersonic or close to" is just unrealistic!

Not trying to get off topic or saying SAC is about to publicly unveil a crewed or uncrewed hypersonic platform.

However, from the basis of this J-35 oriented interview, unless the good chief designer was trying to misguide audiences, his point of emphasis is going to be reflected by upcoming designs.

That's not an unreasonable conclusion to consider.