In terms of export tho, i'm curious if there will be "FC-35" ?
- The evolution to the JF-17 designation from the FC-1 designation.
- The adoption of the J-10CE designation for the export version of the J-10C.
- The fact that the JF-17/FC-1 never entered PLAAF service, whereas the J-35A is reportedly now entering LRIP for PLAAF service.
- The addition of E as a suffix to the designations of the export versions of a number of Chinese arms.
The most likely designation for the export version of the J-35 will be the
J-35AE or
J-35E, granted this is just my hunch based on recent practices.
Keep in mind that the navalized version of the J-35 is not expected to be exported given the obvious lack of both willing and acceptable customers.
The JF in JF-17 is short for
Joint Fighter and was denoted as such by Pakistan. So some sort of JF designation for the J-35's export version seems less likely than a J-35AE or J-35E designation, albeit arguably more plausible than a FC-31 designation given precedent.
Though it might make sense for a JF designation to materialize if PAC is allowed to locally assemble airframes, but that'll probably be up to the PAF if and when the time comes.