J-35 carrier fighter (PLAN) thread


Sorry Deino but I have to criticize. The CG is something like "Tiger head with snake tail" (虎头蛞尾)。The head is very beautiful, like an F-35 but the nozzles seem too large for me. The vertical tail wings seem out of scale too.


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Sorry Deino but I have to criticize. The CG is something like "Tiger head with snake tail" (虎头蛞尾)。The head is very beautiful, like an F-35 but the nozzles seem too large for me. The vertical tail wings seem out of scale too.

I think first it may be some sort of artistic licence and due to the angle. Otherwise this has been discussed already but regardless of any personnel opinion, that's how the J-35 looks like. So I'm pretty sure SAC/AVIC had a reason - and that too was discussed - why it looks that way.

Can't wait for more images.

Richard Santos

Registered Member
:p no explanation needed

(CG by @高山CG)

View attachment 84259
The CGI is pretty but suffer from some implausibilities.

1. The jet nozzles are depicted as fully dilated, which would indicate the engines are idling. Carrier fighters throttle their engines up to militany thrust just before touching down so if the aircraft miss the arrester wire, the engine would already be spooled up and ready to send the fighter on a go around. The nozzle of an engine on military thrust should be fully contracted for Venturi effect. If a fighter had idled engine and dilated nozzle so close to the wire, then it is going into the drink for sure if it missed the wire.

2. the elevators are deflected upward. The aircraft hasn’t caught the wire yet. It is probably too soon for the pilot to pull back on the stick. doing so will probably cause the hook to go over the wire instead of catching it. even worse, pulling up sharply when the engines are idled and the aircraft had not yet caught the wire risks pitching the aircraft up and stalling it over the deck If it misses the wire.

3. The engine nozzles are canted up rather than aligned with aircraft axis. Does the J35 have TVC? Even if it does, this is too early to pull back on the stick and make the nozzle point up.
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