J-20... The New Generation Fighter III

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Putting it another way -- J-20: Effectively Operationally Effective by 2018, US says. I mean even now when they admit their previous predictions from years past was wrong, they still twist it to make it sound like being operational by 2018 is a massive dissapointment or taking far too long on the PLAAF's part.
I don't know if that interpretation is necessary. The military is usually very conservative with its projections just by default.
I freaking hate word play. Look at this:

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Putting it another way -- J-20: Effectively Operationally Effective by 2018, US says. I mean even now when they admit their previous predictions from years past was wrong, they still twist it to make it sound like being operational by 2018 is a massive dissapointment or taking far too long on the PLAAF's part.

No worries, PRC has a habit of proving others wrong, remember? It's not simply because they have this desire, but because everytime they just really do have the grounds to make it happen NATURALLY, and the "prophets" out there are helping China prove them wrong by giving some weird underestimations.


Senior Member
I freaking hate word play. Look at this:

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Putting it another way -- J-20: Effectively Operationally Effective by 2018, US says. I mean even now when they admit their previous predictions from years past was wrong, they still twist it to make it sound like being operational by 2018 is a massive dissapointment or taking far too long on the PLAAF's part.

Don't worry. This date will be prove wrong again. I bet the date of operation for j20 is 2013 or 2014. Actually american intelligence is very advance. They are not as ignorant as we thing. But when comes to publish the report to public. They will twist and turn the faces for the layman public to absorb it. Cos the public is easily manipulate to believe US superiority.

You don't expert them to announce to public that china J20 will be field in 2-3 years time and the panic mode start? Especially USA is broke now. They can't restart the F22 line nor afford upgrade of F22 now when under public pressure.


Lieutenant General
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^ No despite everything I doubt J-20 will be operational by 2013 or 2014 -- that's quite unrealistic.
^ No despite everything I doubt J-20 will be operational by 2013 or 2014 -- that's quite unrealistic.

It's hard for me to buy that the J-20 can be ready so soon neither. Honestly, if it's too fast, I'm actually a bit more worried, like the high speed rail incident. We can honestly only hope the J-20 and the program itself is really that ingenious. I really want to see China take the lead for once, even though not necessarily beat the Raptor in all aspect(highly unlikely). The reason is as we can take it that J-20 will currently be the best that China fields, it will be another longg time before we something topping the J-20, so I really do want to see something, which is coming out in 201X, to be worth a good long time.


Lieutenant General
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It's hard for me to buy that the J-20 can be ready so soon neither. Honestly, if it's too fast, I'm actually a bit more worried, like the high speed rail incident. We can honestly only hope the J-20 and the program itself is really that ingenious. I really want to see China take the lead for once, even though not necessarily beat the Raptor in all aspect(highly unlikely). The reason is as we can take it that J-20 will currently be the best that China fields, it will be another longg time before we something topping the J-20, so I really do want to see something, which is coming out in 201X, to be worth a good long time.

I think people are blowing the HSR thing a bit out of proportion and I wouldn't conclusively or even half heartedly place blame of that crash necessarily due to the national HSR being developed "too fast".

So from that I think the analogy to J-20's own development is a bit flawed, though I agree they should use what time they deem necessary.

Also, we may well see a "J-20B" after the initial build so I also don't believe it will be a long time before we see something topping the J-20. Or at least the first batch of J-20s.


Senior Member
something topping the J-20? man i wouldn't wait on that, we are getting used to getting too much fan service from the PLA

i just want to see the J-20 in it's final camo and config


Senior Member
I also dont think that J-20 will be ready in 2013/2014. However that doesnt mean that the race with the T-50 is lost. There is no way that T-50 will be ready in 2014


Banned Idiot
I also dont think that J-20 will be ready in 2013/2014. However that doesnt mean that the race with the T-50 is lost. There is no way that T-50 will be ready in 2014
China's military hardwares are like F1 aero packages, they are never finalized and are never fielded in large numbers. Since China is in a war and probably won't be for quiet a while, they probably will field/test the plane even before finalization of the design. When J-10 was fielded, there wasn't really a fine line between prototype and formal service.
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