I myself am Chinese and I love my country, but I have to make the point, that majority of the online rumours about Chinese military are either extremely exaggerated or just simply BS. I watched the online military fan sites grew in the early 2000's and personally experienced a lot of the first hand bullshit that emerged on those sites. The rumor about the ASBM first emerged around 2004-2005 on those Chinese fan sites. Originally it was just a disscussional proposal which talks about its feasibility and effectiveness. However, since 2006 and onwards, Chinese military fans were all somehow fed viagras or something, they all became super cocky and talk of outrageous ideas, such as ASBMs, "death laser" (apparently that could destroy a battle group within a minute), H-9 (Chinese B-2), construction of two 100,000 tons nuclear powered carriers, and all other kinds of wild and fucked up things. If any friends in this forum that are Chinese or either able to read Chinese, you probably will agree with my view.
Unfortunately, this ASBM discussion came out of those sites that are famous for this kinds of BS. And if any friends here ever really dug back to official Chinese news or interviews of Chinese military officials, none of them had discussed about this idea before, which is uncommon, because even top secret projects like the J-10, J-20 and even those nuclear submarines were openly discussed on TV prior to their debut.