J-20 5th Generation Fighter VII

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tfw he actually thought "teensy" wasn't a sarcastic way of saying "extremely large" lol
Oh, you know an "extremely large" amount of classified data on Chinese an American top weapons and you're here to share your findings/conclusions with us on a public forum, eh? Sounds legit. If that's true, you're the one NASIC would like to have a word with, not me.
Whoops, I've been found out. Time to pack it up and unmask myself as Ian Easton's weaboo cousin.
Were you the dude who advised Bob Gates on how far China was on the J-20 when he said China would have no stealth fighters by 2020 and a handful in 2025? Your assessment? NASIC's? They did a real good job on that one and I totally trust they got everything else right ;)


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Oh, is that your career? And you ended up with a teensy bit more? There's 2 ways to look at it.

1. A teensy bit doesn't cut it when it comes to top secret platforms comparisons. You still don't know nearly enough even if it's a bit more. A 5th grader doesn't know any better than a 3rd grader how to design a car engine even though he does know a teensy bit more.

2. If you knew (or rather, think you knew) more than a teensy bit more (or really even anything at all) from your career in said area, you'd have to be out of your mind coming onto a public forum to discuss it. It's to be point that it's not very believable.

3. Last time US intelligence told Bob Gates where China was along the J-20 system, how well did that turn out? Did they know what they think they knew?

"Defense Secretary Robert Gates had said last year that China 'is projected to have no fifth-generation aircraft by 2020' and only a 'handful' by 2025."

The most reasonable thing you said is that you can't draw a conclusion based on unknowns and then you violated it immediately after.

Yeah, that's what everybody thinks when they get pounded in an argument. Ask the flat-earthers if they're getting shit on because they're crazy or because they're right.
Seriously, please stop it. @Patchwork_Chimera knows what he is talking about here. F-22 is still probably the most singularly capable platform. I wouldn't use Bob Gates as a measurement of how well versed US intelligence is on PLA.

this forum really devolves into sadness if every discussion continues allow the line of don't believe Western propaganda.


Seriously, please stop it. @Patchwork_Chimera knows what he is talking about here.
And what? Let someone come in here, claim to have classified data on both the F-22 and J-20 and say that's cool, we'll believe it? Why do you believe it? Even if he had a career in US intelligence, why would you believe that what he thinks he knows about Chinese systems is accurate when the US has demonstrated serious miscalculations at the governmental level on China's military progress?
F-22 is still probably the most singularly capable platform.
Based on what classified information? Or just propaganda and intimidation?
I wouldn't use Bob Gates as a measurement of how well versed US intelligence is on PLA.
Why? Let's just call it a fluke and assume they got everything else right?


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And what? Let someone come in here, claim to have classified data on both the F-22 and J-20 and say that's cool, we'll believe it? Why do you believe it? Even if he had a career in US intelligence, why would you believe that what he thinks he knows about Chinese systems is accurate when the US has demonstrated serious miscalculations at the governmental level on China's progress?

Based on what classified information? Or just propaganda and intimidation?

Why? Let's just call it a fluke and assume they got everything else right?
I'm just saying that if someone has shown himself to know what he is talking about, it would be wise to listen to that person. By every measure, Patchwork's comment on very balanced (in fact, he'd probably get called China shill at the rate he is going). If we don't take his comments seriously, that's our own loss.


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Honestly, I hold Ian E*ston in higher regard than I do the Indian defense establishment. In my handful of experiences working with their folks, I've seen such a startling degree of individual and structural incompetence that I have to work quite hard not to develop something of a national prejudice against them lol.

tfw he actually thought "teensy" wasn't a sarcastic way of saying "extremely large" lol

Whoops, I've been found out. Time to pack it up and unmask myself as Ian Easton's weaboo cousin.

You do realize that the F-22 has had an enormous amount of avionic and sensor upgrades, right? ALR-94 hasn't just sat around and hung out. It's a very modern, **extremely** capable ESM system, which I obviously am not going to touch the specifics of with a 100 meter pole. J-20's ESM kit is certainly nothing to scoff at either, but there's kind of a diminishing returns point where you don't get too much more juice out of a newer baseline configuration. I won't compare F-22/35/J-20's own ESM kit with one another, other than to say that they're all tremendously capable platforms in that respect. I'd take any of them over a Rivet Joint any day of the week.
Any details you can share about what the Indian military needed your help on? Can probably post it in the Indian military thread if it doesn't cross any classification issues. Also, if you consider the 5th gens like J-20 and F-22 better than a Rivet Joint, what is the need to use them still, just fuel economy/range?


I'm just saying that if someone has shown himself to know what he is talking about, it would be wise to listen to that person.
On what? I don't know what you're talking about. This coversation is the first time I remember reading his posts.
By every measure, Patchwork's comment on very balanced (in fact, he'd probably get called China shill at the rate he is going). If we don't take his comments seriously, that's our own loss.
Did he say something before on something that a regular person shouldn't know and then get proven right? Or is it just what he claims to do and how well he claims to do it?
this forum really devolves into sadness if every discussion continues allow the line of don't believe Western propaganda.
That's because the West has a culture of lying which all of their politicians and media propogate without fail at every chance they get.


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On what? I don't know what you're talking about. This coversation is the first time I remember reading his posts.

Did he say something before on something that a regular person shouldn't know and then get proven right? Or is it just what he claims to do and how well he claims to do it?
He has said many things on this forum, reddit and other places. You would be well served to just observe.
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