Here is the link to the . gongke101 also made some additional . Once again, this forum was outperformed by PDF in having an actual discussion, so I'll just quote from there.
Another user that many consider to be someone there as well.
:18 pieces of flaps are WS10IPE, 16 pieces are AL 31F, if you found it has neither 18 nor 16 pieces```then it is a jackpot
it also says, there arent many people that have the "previlege" to have a close look up to WS-15, but few people have seen it on J-20 but didnt realize it as they are "bad at counting" flaps
He has clearly hinted that WS-15 has 15 pieces as you can know the designation from the flap number, which means the flap number equals the designation number.
I don't necessarily fully endorse these comments, but it should be the right idea.Yes,but Gongke has hinted it in this way. Moreover, he just gave another hint it is multiples of 3
Another user that many consider to be someone there as well.