J-10 Thread IV


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There's a user, "Be dazzled" on the new PDF (formerly "Dazzler" on the old site if anyone's familiar with him) making some interesting claims about the J-10CE:
- China is fine with selling the domestic PL-15 but Pakistan wants it at a discount. China says no dice:

- The J-10CE won 4 of 6 BVR engagements against the Eurofighter Typhoon:

The J-10C is oldish news now in the PLAAF, but you still like to know your kid's beating the other neighbourhood kids.
You got a link I could use


Lieutenant General
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The original Eurofighter avionics and radar are totally obsolete. They were obsolete when the fighter entered service. Let alone two decades later. The latest Tranche 4 systems are top notch, but there haven't been either many purchases or upgrades to them ordered.

That Qatar's Eurofighter aircraft still lose to the J-10CE despite having the Mk 0 radar is really pathetic. Considering it is more advanced than the aircraft in current use in Europe.
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Registered Member
That's one way to look at it. Another is that China's just that damn good.
It shouldn't be the case. Eurofighter should have all the advantages to just brute force it's way over simple electronic advancedness.
If it can't - there won't be any reason to sugarcoat it.


Lieutenant General
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It shouldn't be the case. Eurofighter should have all the advantages to just brute force it's way over simple electronic advancedness.
If it can't - there won't be any reason to sugarcoat it.

I also do not put too much stock into these rumours (and even if they are true, RoE and exercise parameters are always unknowns which makes any "results" next to useless anyhow).

That said, "brute forcing" and being "heavily oriented to the air superiority role" through mere kinematics isn't as important as having superior sensors, avionics, and networking these days.

I would say "electronic advancedness" is anything but "simple". If anything it is perhaps the most decisive domain of air combat that you want to maximize your advantages in compared to others.


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I also do not put too much stock into these rumours (and even if they are true, RoE and exercise parameters are always unknowns which makes any "results" next to useless anyhow).

That said, "brute forcing" and being "heavily oriented to the air superiority role" through mere kinematics isn't as important as having superior sensors, avionics, and networking these days.

I would say "electronic advancedness" is anything but "simple". If anything it is perhaps the most decisive domain of air combat that you want to maximize your advantages in compared to others.
You are of course right. However it does sort of make one wonder. Thrust to weight is very useful for BVR, and the Typhoon’s supersonic maneuverability should help it gain a positional advantage, minor it maybe it still should be a point in the Eurofighter’s favor.