J-10 Thread IV


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It seems to me there is a very nice pilot training pathway from JL-10 to J-10 to J-20. We have seen young, award winning pilots on this thread who have not been flying long at all.

The UAE should be able to very quickly train a large amount of J-10 capable pilots using their dozens of new JL-10’s. They would also be able to train many other nations pilots with all these trainers.

So far, we have UAE with the imminent capacity to train hundreds of J-10 pilots, and Pakistan with the ability to westernize J-10’s with western radars and Link 16 and 17 and we also have China helping Saudi make radars.

This all indicates to me that the J-10 has a very bright future, with countries able to customize it to use and maintain their own preferred radars, communications and missiles. Each J-10 customer can indigenize components over time, producing a wide supply chain of J-10 components.

All of this comes together, of course, when China makes the follow on of the J-10. At some point one of these J-10 clients is going to buy a stealth fighter from China.

Many doubt it will be the J-20, but if countries are brining their own components and China is only supplying the airframe and WS-10 engines it should be fine. The J-20 clients can add their own stealth coatings, which China also exports.

If a client every buys J-20’s I am confident it will be a completely different beast to Chinas J-20’s, and as we heard recently, if a fighter generation could arguably be based on it’s radars and weapons then you can say that Chinas J-20’s will be a “generation” ahead of other countries J-20’s.


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If China can offer J-10 with PL-15+, it will have an edge in the global competition because there aren't many (if any) alternatives to the PL-15 in the export market. Restricting it to PL-15E reduces the edge.

Additionally, offering a Chinese AWACS along side the J-10 may be more lucrative.


Junior Member
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If China can offer J-10 with PL-15+, it will have an edge in the global competition because there aren't many (if any) alternatives to the PL-15 in the export market. Restricting it to PL-15E reduces the edge.

Additionally, offering a Chinese AWACS along side the J-10 may be more lucrative.
And why would China offer its most cutting edge military tech? What is the benefit here?

China doesn't lack money. Its defense industries do not lack orders. Plus, China's foreign policy posture is the principle of neutrality and non-interference. It doesn't support any particular country in their own regional fights. So, why would China sell its most advanced Military hardware?

That's why China is not that desperate to sell its military hardware. It spends minimal effort to promote its best stuff and even then it probably has very strict political screening to ensure it doesn't sell hardware to a country that will increase tension with its opponents. China doesn't want to make anyone its enemy.

You don't see China selling its gear in the middle east to Iran for example, cause that might raise tension with the Saudis.

The only countries that get every gear in Chinese arsenal are countries around India. Bangladesh, Pakistan, Myanmar all are full of Chinese gear including submarines. That's cause India has already made themselves an enemy so China has an active interest in ensuring Its neighbours act as a strong deterrent against India.


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J-10C equipped with PL-15E is not a cutting edge technology of PLAAF..

PL-17 is entered in service. check out latest posts on Flankers thread.
Most poor countries in the global south who are likely to buy Chinese weapons do not even have PL-12. So, PL-15 is very cutting edge and destabilizing for the balance of power in their respective region.

China will be very careful who it sells its weapons. In order to ensure maximum interest in terms of foreign policy. Arms sells is never about making money. Its always about foreign policy edge.


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Plus, China's foreign policy posture is the principle of neutrality and non-interference.
So, PL-15 is very cutting edge and destabilizing for the balance of power in their respective region.

China will be very careful who it sells its weapons.
If China is neutral and non-interfering, why does it need to balance the power and be very careful of exports?

You're statements are contradictory.

Which one is it? Is China very careful about balance of power or is it neutral?

And why would China offer its most cutting edge military tech? What is the benefit here?

So, why would China sell its most advanced Military hardware?
As somebody pointed out, neither PL-12 nor J-10C is China's most cutting edge equipment.

And you don't become enemies by exporting weapons to any country. France exports weapons to India but isn't an enemy of Pakistan to which it also exports weapons.


Junior Member
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Most poor countries in the global south who are likely to buy Chinese weapons do not even have PL-12. So, PL-15 is very cutting edge and destabilizing for the balance of power in their respective region.

China will be very careful who it sells its weapons. In order to ensure maximum interest in terms of foreign policy. Arms sells is never about making money. Its always about foreign policy edge.
Indeed, PL-15 fits in same category as Meteor in terms of range, so Suddenly, PAF has ~80-90 units capable of launching PL-15s, compared to India's ~30 Rafales. PAF literally going from no BVR platforms 15-20 years ago vs 100s of InAF platforms to outgunning them in a generation, great leap of capabilities. Wonder if PL-15s can be queued to AWACS or Block-3s/J-10CEs from JF-17 block 1/2s (if it can carry them on pylons). That'd be nightmare for InAF. We already saw F-16s with Aim-120 making the flankers run away.


Registered Member
Indeed, PL-15 fits in same category as Meteor in terms of range, so Suddenly, PAF has ~80-90 units capable of launching PL-15s, compared to India's ~30 Rafales.
Where so many come from?
j-10ce and jf-17 blk. 3 are the users, i.e. ~same or slightly more for Pakistan.

The weapons field is more or less equal, especially since astra and derby-er are now online.


A nice image for the weekend.
