Btw. how do we know how recent these images are? Maybe they are from the year before.
Btw. how do we know how recent these images are? Maybe they are from the year before.
Wall climber says that they did hit a snag with engine but the problem is resolved now and the planes have departed for their destinations.
I would love to know where?
按成飞的惯例,完成 试飞验证的批产飞机,都会蒙帆布打铅封等待接机部队来接装。这么多待接装的歼十出镜真的是第一次见到,而且还只是局部,要知道成飞试飞站的机库可不少(除开日月大道旁边那8个),而且今年下半年又增加了十个。这么多机库不可能空着也不给歼十住啊,所以啊,同一时间点,威龙绝对不止图上那7架。