Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other Related Conflicts in the Middle East (read the rules in the first post)


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The scale of this conflict seems way beyond the 2006 war.
Someone predicted on twitter that Hamas’s Al aqsa flood operation which broke down the walls of Gaza will have the knock on effect of leading to the end of the US empire the same way the Berlin Wall led to the end of the Soviet Union. But unlike the end of the Soviet Union which was largely a peaceful dissolution it will be a violent end. The escalation ladder has worsen significantly since Oct 7th. The prospect of a great regional war is more likely happening now. We are in for a major ride.


Senior Member
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Someone predicted on twitter that Hamas’s Al aqsa flood operation which broke down the walls of Gaza will have the knock on effect of leading to the end of the US empire the same way the Berlin Wall led to the end of the Soviet Union. But unlike the end of the Soviet Union which was largely a peaceful dissolution it will be a violent end. The escalation ladder has worsen significantly since Oct 7th. The prospect of a great regional war is more likely happening now. We are in for a major ride.
You guys are starting to sound like Gordan Chang and his end of China talk, just on the opposite side.

If Lebanon wanted to escalate further they would've done so at the onset of the pager attack. Instead Israel saw fit to bomb and kill a bunch of Hezbollah senior commanders, with the leader of the rocket force being the most recent victim. We literally saw Israel getting free reign in Gaza and now freely bombing Hezbollah. For a military force with supposedly thousands of launchers the fireworks we're seeing so far is really minimal.

What, almost 12 months after October 7th they've finally overwhelmed iron dome in one city, if that really impressed posters here I'm not sure what to say.


Registered Member
You guys are starting to sound like Gordan Chang and his end of China talk, just on the opposite side.

If Lebanon wanted to escalate further they would've done so at the onset of the pager attack. Instead Israel saw fit to bomb and kill a bunch of Hezbollah senior commanders, with the leader of the rocket force being the most recent victim. We literally saw Israel getting free reign in Gaza and now freely bombing Hezbollah. For a military force with supposedly thousands of launchers the fireworks we're seeing so far is really minimal.

What, almost 12 months after October 7th they've finally overwhelmed iron dome in one city, if that really impressed posters here I'm not sure what to say.
Indeed, if having half your cadres balls blown off isn't sufficient provocation to justify massive retaliation, I don't know what is!


Junior Member
Registered Member
You guys are starting to sound like Gordan Chang and his end of China talk, just on the opposite side.

If Lebanon wanted to escalate further they would've done so at the onset of the pager attack. Instead Israel saw fit to bomb and kill a bunch of Hezbollah senior commanders, with the leader of the rocket force being the most recent victim. We literally saw Israel getting free reign in Gaza and now freely bombing Hezbollah. For a military force with supposedly thousands of launchers the fireworks we're seeing so far is really minimal.

What, almost 12 months after October 7th they've finally overwhelmed iron dome in one city, if that really impressed posters here I'm not sure what to say.
Israel has been killing Hezbollah, Hamas and other resistance groups leaders for DECADES, has that has stopped the strategic crisis they found themselves in? They have not achieved any of their goals in Gaza destroying Hamas militarily and politically. The Israeli military admits they cannot defeat Hamas. Hamas is replacing their losses quicker than Israel is killing them. After 11 months Hamas and the other Gaza resistance groups command and control is intact. They are still able to conduct complex ambushes turning Gaza into a festering ulcer for the IDF.
Regarding Hezbollah they have a hierarchical system. They all know they would be martyred. Judging the operation Hezbollah has domes since the attacks the last few days their command and control is still intact. So they always have someone to replace those who are lost. Hezbollah has a force of 100k with allies in Lebanon like the Amal movement,Hamas and PIJ. Despite Israel doing over 2000 air strikes all over Lebanon in two days Hezbollah was able to fire 400 missiles into Israel. At this rate of attrition who will win? Ex Israeli generals and intelligence officer are admitting Netanyahu and the far right religious zealots is leading Israel to its destruction. Israel cannot fight a sustained war of attrition against an asymmetrical enemy who doesn’t fear death while filled with religious zeal. Israel couldn’t beat Hezbollah back in 2006. Hezbollah today is much larger,more battle hardened after fighting in Syria, with more advanced weaponry. And based on their poor performance on the ground in Gaza against the weakest member of the axis of resistance it’s safe to assume they’ll find themselves in a horrific fiasco against the crown jewel of the axis of resistance which is Hezbollah.


Registered Member
The stupidity and greed of Netanyahu and his zealots knows no bound. Israel is already over extended with their war with Hamas, now they are, basically in an all out war with Hezbollah. A much bigger military than Hamas. We have to remember that Israel depend on the US for defense but the US has also to support Ukraine fight with a much bigger power, Russia, at some point the supply chain in the US is going to be overwhelm with these shocks events and Israel is going to have issues, for example, their iron dome is going to be overwhelmed by missiles and rockets.
This is not WW2 were weapons were simpler and easier to make, modern weapons are difficult to make, for example modern military ICs could take months to make.