Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other Related Conflicts in the Middle East (read the rules in the first post)


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Oh yes. Every country has their own issue.
Except the cute lil US. It has got gooball resfunsibullity. Such heavy burden on such small fragile two mama's boys shoulders. Would they like a hand?
The US has had a large military geared towards expeditionary operations not a defensive one like China. So the US politically, militarily and economically has been outward looking since the 1st and second world war , the Fall of the USSR made them uncontested superpower with military and political reach around the globe. So i dont think its fair to compare US situation with China historically or even today. Both are quite different in almost every aspect. So dont expect China to adopt US policy in regards to getting involved in foreign conflicts etc. The CCP is known for championing non interference in others internal affairs and they stand by it which is commendable.


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Why is there no Uyghur Volunteer Army? Equip them with the latest Chinese tech, send them to Syria and Lebanon and start shooting down those Zionist F35s
Lmao. That's a bad idea. You remember there is still some of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement militants in Afghanistan right? Lol They even had some form of support in the country . So arming Uygurs islamic militants is the worse idea ever. Many are not a fan of the atheist Chinese communist government which some islamists see as evil or even worse than the abrahamic Jews. So to give them arms might backfire on China. Don't understand how you can even think that will be a good idea. Lol

Just look at the way some were protesting against China's policy in the Uygur region when the media was boiling up about the "Uygur muslim oppression" by the CCP. Lol
The thing is most Islamic countries are quite religious and so the population can be quite emotional and susceptible to easy manipulation by the elite/government depending on the issue at hand. So we should be mindful of this point.


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The US has had a large military geared towards expeditionary operations not a defensive one like China. So the US politically, militarily and economically has been outward looking since the 1st and second world war , the Fall of the USSR made them uncontested superpower with military and political reach around the globe. So i dont think its fair to compare US situation with China historically or even today. Both are quite different in almost every aspect. So dont expect China to adopt US policy in regards to getting involved in foreign conflicts etc. The CCP is known for championing non interference in others internal affairs and they stand by it which is commendable.
So you agree with the fact that, that little euro bred colonial project on territory of native America, propped up by it's useless population is nothing but goons for hire.
And you are begging others not to react because goons will do what they do, while others nations shouldn't do it?
WTF is "large military geared towards expeditionary operations"? We are not writing shakespeare here.
You know it won't take more than an hour to flatten the entire native America, right?


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Looks like Israel is serious this time. After major bombing campaign, foriegn infantry has arrived. It shows they are ready for a grind, and having foriegners overcome IDF's weakness of casualty aversion.

Judging by Iranian response, looks like they are sitting this one out.
The Iraqi Shia militias and Yemeni Ansarallah have all stated they will enter the war if Israel starts a ground invasion. That’s the bare minimum. If US troops gets involved in south Lebanon expect the resistance fighters in Iraq and Syria not hold back then start using their heavy fire power to actually kill and maim US troops. And let’s be clear in Iraq US troops are sitting ducks. You have about 12k US troops facing 230k Iraqi PMF fighters. And also the Iraqi army and police would at best look the other way or at worst join the fray. In Syria their position is even worse. Their logistics goes through Iraq. Iran and the Iraqi govt has held back the Shia militias from going to far in killing American troops. If US troops are actively in Lebanon everyone will get involved. And in regards to Iran,the IRGC/al Quds forces will not allow Hezbollah to fall. Iran has stated this all the time. They have said they do not want a war but Israel is dragging the region in a war. If US troops start fighting Hezbollah we could see IRGC/Basij units cross the border either through tunnels or secretly to bolster the Iraqi Shia militias in targeting US forces in Iraq/Syria. Reports for years are of foreign Shia fighters in Syria from Pakistan,Afghanistan,Yemen,Iraq and Iran being built up. So Hezbollah will not be alone. The US getting involved is stupid especially in an election year. It will only worsen the situation leading to a wider great regional war.


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The US has had a large military geared towards expeditionary operations not a defensive one like China. So the US politically, militarily and economically has been outward looking since the 1st and second world war , the Fall of the USSR made them uncontested superpower with military and political reach around the globe. So i dont think its fair to compare US situation with China historically or even today. Both are quite different in almost every aspect. So dont expect China to adopt US policy in regards to getting involved in foreign conflicts etc. The CCP is known for championing non interference in others internal affairs and they stand by it which is commendable.
Bit late for that now, China championed mutual non interference, But America has broken it by being the aggressor in challenging China's position.

So now we are watching the ongoing concerted anti-American campaigns, in Europe, in middle east, in Africa and so on. Just smile, sip some boba tea and spectate. If things continue going well, there will be many aggressor eliminations at nearly no cost for us.


Junior Member
Heaven mandated twice to destroy the temple, humiliate the Israelis and Jews, and send them into exile to wander. For what? 1) According to the scripture, for their iniquities and rebellion; 2) According to the historical record, for their rebellion. In other words, "Israel will prevail [this time]" is a flawed concept. I see you are a Christian Zionist, the exposition of which is beyond all logic.

Babylonians are in Iraq today, Assyrians in northern Iraq, Seleucids are Greek and all over Levant, Egyptians are in Egypt, while the original Israelis, Judeans, and Israelites are Christians and Muslims of Levant. Israel of today is the non-Semitic Ashkenazi of Europe and random folk from around the world claiming to be from Levant.

Invaders from Russia already came to the Holy Lands to cause corruption. They are known as Ashkenazim. John Hagee won't tell you that. Genesis accounts in the Bible mention it explicitly: 1) Ashkenaz is from Japheth; 2) Gog Magog ("invaders from Russia") are cousins of Ashkenaz; 3) Japheth reside in the tents of Shem (i.e. Ashkenazi in Palestine). John Hagee can't tell you this either.

Christ told his disciples the temple would be destroyed...because it belongs to the old covenant & the jews refused to accept him to be the messiah.
"Israel will prevail" not by her own strength but by the messiah.

Mal 3:6 “For I the LORD do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed.

though the present israel still hold on to the old covenant God would not allow anyone to remove israel forever as it will be the foothold of the kingdom of Heaven.

Zionist? Yes the God of the bible is a zionist.

Joe_3:17 So shall ye know that I am the LORD your God dwelling in Zion, my holy mountain: then shall Jerusalem be holy, and there shall no strangers pass through her any more.

About the former empires: they lost their power & became victims of present powers.
now compare that to israel today.


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Christ told his disciples the temple would be destroyed...because it belongs to the old covenant & the jews refused to accept him to be the messiah.
"Israel will prevail" not by her own strength but by the messiah.

Mal 3:6 “For I the LORD do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed.

though the present israel still hold on to the old covenant God would not allow anyone to remove israel forever as it will be the foothold of the kingdom of Heaven.

Zionist? Yes the God of the bible is a zionist.
Jesus no! Not in the modern sense of the word, where it has become synonymous with Khazarian nazism.

Revelations in an impartial account of the future, it's just recording events as "they're prophesized to happen".

Regarding Israel, God said that the descendants of Israel will be trampled by invaders and refused nationhood until they return to Christ. Then, the messiah will save them.

The people God addresses here are the direct descendants of Jesus' era Jews, who later converted to Islam. In these verses, the Bible foretells that Palestine will not have military success against her oppressors until she converts to Christianity.

But once she does, God will establish there a nation that will be a model to all other nations and there will be a long lasting era of global peace.

It's not hard to see why this nation would be a model for all the world, not by industry or military, but because if the Palestinian people forgives and integrates the western European invaders into an officially Christian nation, this country would be at the head of a global revival of Christian faith.

The creation of this new kingdom is not exalted because of nationalist purposes, but because of its internationalist role in spreading Christianity (once it's established in Israel).
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