Cherry-picking verses and forming twisted narratives. 2000 years of Christians persecuting Jews and calling them Jesus-killer, and then suddenly in America, a new age cult forms with "we love Jews". It still hasn't registered in your mind that Ashkenaz (founder of today's Israel) is not Semitic, has nothing to do with Jacob.Mal 3:6 “For I the LORD do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed.

Sunni Taliban offered help last year but the distance prevented them. The Kurds fighting Iraq and Syria, aligned with USA, who were neutral to Israel, now hate Israel as well; meaning, they may not form obstacles for Syrians and Iraqis in their quest against Israel. 99% of all Islamic factions who are engaged in fighting each other have one thing in common: they all despise Israel.The Iraqi Shia militias and Yemeni Ansarallah have all stated they will enter the war if Israel starts a ground invasion. That’s the bare minimum. If US troops gets involved in south Lebanon expect the resistance fighters in Iraq and Syria not hold back then start using their heavy fire power to actually kill and maim US troops. And let’s be clear in Iraq US troops are sitting ducks. You have about 12k US troops facing 230k Iraqi PMF fighters. And also the Iraqi army and police would at best look the other way or at worst join the fray. In Syria their position is even worse. Their logistics goes through Iraq. Iran and the Iraqi govt has held back the Shia militias from going to far in killing American troops. If US troops are actively in Lebanon everyone will get involved. And in regards to Iran,the IRGC/al Quds forces will not allow Hezbollah to fall. Iran has stated this all the time. They have said they do not want a war but Israel is dragging the region in a war. If US troops start fighting Hezbollah we could see IRGC/Basij units cross the border either through tunnels or secretly to bolster the Iraqi Shia militias in targeting US forces in Iraq/Syria. Reports for years are of foreign Shia fighters in Syria from Pakistan,Afghanistan,Yemen,Iraq and Iran being built up. So Hezbollah will not be alone. The US getting involved is stupid especially in an election year. It will only worsen the situation leading to a wider great regional war.
Note how all these strikes are captured on camera from really good angles, up close to the target, indicating IOF moles present in the area.
Looks like Israel has pushed formerly neutral/anti groups in Lebanon on to Hezbollah's side