Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other Related Conflicts in the Middle East (read the rules in the first post)


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I think even before a ground invasion, the world knows who is the aggressor. How many leaders need to be assassinated before Hezbollah hits back? What is the point of depleting the Iron Dome in 1 day and waiting for them re-arm before firing the next salvo? Just not making a lot of sense, this strategy. Not calling for war, just not understanding the Hezbollah approach.
Hezbollah had cleared northern Israel of settlers completely many months ago. Assassinations of Hezbollah leaders occurred after the group depopulated northern Israel.

We can see what is happening. The targeted areas are shifting to Haifa and the settlements around Galilee which are deeper into Israeli territory. The next big target is obviously Nazareth. Both the momentum and the depth of Hezbollah attacks have increased, despite the Israeli response.

Iron Dome isn't rearmed in a day. It's problem is it's total munitions production capacity which are inadequate. Last year, Israel started constructing a new facility in the US to co-produce the Tamir missiles for the Iron Dome with Raytheon (which was to be completed by 2025), indicating shortages. As we see it today, Iron Dome is still firing but the number of attacks piercing through is increasing (i.e. Iron Dome efficiency is decreasing, and in some instances, nonexistent); it has also been found to be largely ineffective against drone strikes.

Any aircraft really. If it was a F-35 it will be its first combat loss. For a small country fully in range of artillery, I am surprised no aircraft lost.
They don't use much AA, but many helicopters and drones have been brought down including in Gaza.

1. about Christians persecuting Jews and calling them Jesus-killer:
bible is clear followers of christ are not taught to kill or hate but love.
so those so-called christians that kill/hate are not christians. That is very clear from the messiah's sayings.
Like I said: a new age cult that never existed before in history.

2.about the formation of modern israel:
Is Ashkenazi the only force to form israel?
Even if it were so what?
The fact is israel is reborn according to the scriptures. God can appoint anyone to do that job.
Yes. "So what?" Well, Israel was reborn according to the scripture by the Maccabees' Hasmonean Dynasty as well, until Lysias came and annihilated them. And once again by Herod, until Titus came and obliterated them. Now Israel is reborn again but somehow "it will prevail" is just a cult wet dream of new age Evangelical nutters.

"Israel is reborn ... God can appoint anyone to do that job."
^^ Then we can add the Crusaders to the list as well, who founded the Kingdom of Jerusalem in the 12th century, only to be conquered by Saladin a bit later.

3. refrain from using negative connotations for discussion...
What are you offended by? New age cult? Is there another way to describe this phenomenon that never existed in Christianity until the 20th century? Evangelicals have found a new way to interpret the bible that never existed before.
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Hezbollah had cleared northern Israel of settlers completely many months ago. Assassinations of Hezbollah leaders occurred after the group depopulated northern Israel.

We can see what is happening. The targeted areas are shifting to Haifa and the settlements around Galilee which are deeper into Israeli territory. The next big target is obviously Nazareth. Both the momentum and the depth of Hezbollah attacks have increased, despite the Israeli response.

Iron Dome isn't rearmed in a day. It's problem is it's total munitions production capacity which are inadequate. Last year, Israel started constructing a new facility in the US to co-produce the Tamir missiles for the Iron Dome with Raytheon (which was to be completed by 2025), indicating shortages. As we see it today, Iron Dome is still firing but the number of attacks piercing through is increasing (i.e. Iron Dome efficiency is decreasing, and in some instances, nonexistent); it has also been found to be largely ineffective against drone strikes.

They don't use much AA, but many helicopters and drones have been brought down including in Gaza.

Like I said: a new age cult that never existed before in history.

Yes. "So what?" Well, Israel was reborn according to the scripture by the Maccabees' Hasmonean Dynasty as well, until Lysias came and annihilated them. And once again by Herod, until Titus came and obliterated them. Now Israel is reborn again but somehow "it will prevail" is just a cult wet dream of new age Evangelical nutters.

"Israel is reborn ... God can appoint anyone to do that job."
^^ Then we can add the Crusaders to the list as well, who founded the Kingdom of Jerusalem in the 12th century, only to be conquered by Saladin a bit later.

What are you offended by? New age cult? Is there another way to describe this phenomenon that never existed in Christianity until the 20th century? Evangelicals have found a new way to interpret the bible that never existed before.
I just wonder how much of Hezbollah’s arsenal is being destroyed by these air strikes. Use them or lose them?


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Al-Qassam ambush: multiple rocket attacks on convoy; medevac helicopter suggests casualties. Look, they are using landline phones.

Iraqi drone strike in Eilat. Looks like an aircraft hangar. Second video shows a port; in the background, you can hear jets, meaning the Israeli aircraft did not / could not intercept it.

6× USAF cargo planes spotted right now moving to and from Al-Udeid in Persian Gulf. 1× from Ramstein AFB (Germany), 3× from Rota AFB (Spain), 2x from Chania Naval Base (Greece) Preparing to strike Iran?
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US state department normalizing state sponsored terrorism. You want a beeper?
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The peaceful Trump that "never started any new wars" threatening to level Iranian cities saying "We will blow you into smithereens" and as he says that, the peaceful Americans get a hard on and start clapping and cheering him on. He also conveniently frames Iran for the assassination attempts on himself.
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I just wonder how much of Hezbollah’s arsenal is being destroyed by these air strikes. Use them or lose them?
I have yet to see one photo or video of Palestinian or Lebanese destroyed equipment. Anyone with half a brain knows Israel can't find these equipment, so they resort to punishing civilians and their infrastructure. I highly doubt Hezbollah's fighting capacity has been degraded by even 1%.
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Bit late for that now, China championed mutual non interference, But America has broken it by being the aggressor in challenging China's position.

So now we are watching the ongoing concerted anti-American campaigns, in Europe, in middle east, in Africa and so on. Just smile, sip some boba tea and spectate. If things continue going well, there will be many aggressor eliminations at nearly no cost for us.
No, China hasnt changed it policy of non interference at all. Show me one conflict that China is involved in wether directly or even indirectly. China strictly follow a policy of non interference in others internal affairs and they stick by it which is a good thing for the country..China is not like Russia, US, Iran, E.U or even Turkey etc etc. So i don't understand your point of "bit late for that now". Nothing has changed towards China's policy. China has always maintained this policy for a long time and it wont change anytime soon and rightly so.


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So you agree with the fact that, that little euro bred colonial project on territory of native America, propped up by it's useless population is nothing but goons for hire.
And you are begging others not to react because goons will do what they do, while others nations shouldn't do it?
WTF is "large military geared towards expeditionary operations"? We are not writing shakespeare here.
You know it won't take more than an hour to flatten the entire native America, right?
I don't understand your point. Whats the point you are trying to make?
Where have i beg others not to react? Dude i merely stated a known fact. Or are you trying to deny that China has a policy of non interference? If you are unhappy with that policy it still doesn't changes this fact, maybe will have to take that up with the CCP if you want a change of this policy.
I was merely saying i think its a good policy and has served China well in this tumultous world and there is a reason China has adopted this policy if we look at the country's history. Just like U.S European powers, Russia etc have the policy they have today due to historical reasons as well.