Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other Related Conflicts in the Middle East (read the rules in the first post)


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You guys are starting to sound like Gordan Chang and his end of China talk, just on the opposite side.

If Lebanon wanted to escalate further they would've done so at the onset of the pager attack. Instead Israel saw fit to bomb and kill a bunch of Hezbollah senior commanders, with the leader of the rocket force being the most recent victim. We literally saw Israel getting free reign in Gaza and now freely bombing Hezbollah. For a military force with supposedly thousands of launchers the fireworks we're seeing so far is really minimal.

What, almost 12 months after October 7th they've finally overwhelmed iron dome in one city, if that really impressed posters here I'm not sure what to say.
I agree with you completely. But its understadable the way some people react this way since this conflict has rightly made many people emotional to the point they project their wishes into reality. When you are powerless to do change a sutuation you can only wish and hope for the best and project it into reality but it doesn't changes the situation on the ground unfortunately.

Anyway, I think Hezbollah is right to be reluctant to engage in a full scale war with Israel. Israel is not a small weak/powerless military power. So it's normal Hezbollah/Lebanon is careful not to get involved into a full scale war with Israel. Small attacks or missile launches here and there is ok or tolerable but engaging in a full scale attack will obviously lead to a more devastating war and massive destruction in Lebanon more than vice versa. We saw that with the 2006 war where much of Lebanon's infrastructure was destroyed and it took the country a long time to rebuild and recover in fact the country still hasn't fully revover to this day. This also contributed to the country's economic crisis and bankruptcy among other factors.
It seems people forget that Lebanon is a bankrupt country facing a financial crisis and relying on western international finance agencies and Gulf Arab states goodwill/help for economic survival at this moment. In this regard, to expect the Lebanese people to support another devastating war with a ppwerful military like Israel is not rational. In fact not even a very anti Israeli militia group like Hezbollah wants that. In fact they have been trying to avoid just that since this Gaza conflict started, if not they would have long launched massive full scale attacks against Israel when Israel invaded Gaza. But they havent to this day, even when Israel has been launching air attacks and killing some of their commanders. They dont want to be involved in another full scale aar with Israel and i dont blame them either, its actuallya rational policy.. It's clear to see, only a blind man or someone fully in denial will fail to realise this


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No, China hasnt changed it policy of non interference at all. Show me one conflict that China is involved in wether directly or even indirectly. China strictly follow a policy of non interference in others internal affairs and they stick by it which is a good thing for the country..China is not like Russia, US, Iran, E.U or even Turkey etc etc. So i don't understand your point of "bit late for that now". Nothing has changed towards China's policy. China has always maintained this policy for a long time and it wont change anytime soon and rightly so.
Arming Russia, NK and to a lesser degree, Iran. Which in turn destabilize the situation for US in Europe, Africa and Middle East.

Saying non-interference while throwing out western influenced leaders in Africa, doing proxy wars and in general securing Chinese influence at the cost of western influence globally just makes China someone who says "stop beating yourself" while blatantly hitting and stealing America's lunch.

Nearly every Chinese dynasty claimed they were the OG legitimate one, the non-interfering one, the status quo defender and so on, even when they were openly rebelling against the incumbent leader.

Non-interference is just propaganda to make it seem like China has always been peaceful and it's America that challenged China's position. According to the propaganda line, when an American weapon hits a China friendly country, it's "unacceptable foreign interference", when a Chinese weapon hits an America friendly country, it's "non interference and restoring the status quo".

You see, it's different when China does it, because if China helps Russia to expand, it's actually non-interference because Russia was always meant to be that large. Actually, China removed the hostile interference preventing Russia from reaching its true size! But when US helps Israel expand, it's interfering into foreign affairs and very bad. If you unironically believe this, you fell for some 2000 yr old propaganda tactics.


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I don't understand your point. Whats the point you are trying to make?
Where have i beg others not to react? Dude i merely stated a known fact.
You aren't naïve , are you? The point i tried to make is, your "factual opinion" isn't required given the "fact" that people are already educated.
China has no-interference policy, it should have, with those who have the same attitude. It isn't applicable for global cancerous colonial tumors that keep spreading. You talk about some colonial power's "global expeditionary force" with "outward looking" BS, yet you dare to talk about other's "non-interference policy" & why its bad idea to give it up.
That is the point i made. What is it you are not understanding?


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I have yet to see one photo or video of Palestinian or Lebanese destroyed equipment. Anyone with half a brain knows Israel can't find these equipment, so they resort to punishing civilians and their infrastructure. I highly doubt Hezbollah's fighting capacity has been degraded by even 1%.
There is a recent footage of a destroyed MLRS in Lebanon, with a caption reading "Hezbollah fired and abandoned the vehicle under fire itself". It's the first I've seen in the entire war, and none from Israeli media.

i meant destroyed on ground. Like Russian loss of SU-57.
Who would report them? Israeli citizen's uploads are filtered and checked thoroughly before appearing online.
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I don't think Israel would like anybody to know it's most expensive aerial assets were destroyed while still on the ground, just like it hides and censors it's casualties. Lockheed definitely wouldn't like that.

Ramat AFB, southeast of Haifa, has been targetted this week, though with footage shown from a distance (not close enough to conclude what was hit). In fact, Ramat was infiltrated and aerially filmed by Hezbollah recon drones with 20+ minutes of released footage.

Megiddo airfield was also targetted this week. It doesn't appear in the above map, but it is just south of Nazareth, one of the deepest strikes by Hezbollah.

Ramat recon footage. Drone is flying directly above Ramat in broad daylight and into the night.
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In the Ramat attack, Hezbollah also targetted Rafael Systems where the Tamir missiles for Iron Dome are produced.


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There was a joint plea by US & "allies" requesting and drafting an Israel/Lebanon ceasefire for 21 days, which has been rejected by both Lebanon and Netanyahu who's telling soldiers to keep fighting.

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US and allies call for 21-day ceasefire across Lebanon-Israel border​

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Israeli foreign minister rejects Lebanon ceasefire proposal​

Also note how the headline is designed to make it look like Lebanon offered a proposal.

This ceasefire charade is quite hilarious because who even believes ceasefire talks from Sleepy Joe anymore, while they're sending thousands of troops to Israel right now.


Junior Member
Like I said: a new age cult that never existed before in history.

Yes. "So what?" Well, Israel was reborn according to the scripture by the Maccabees' Hasmonean Dynasty as well, until Lysias came and annihilated them. And once again by Herod, until Titus came and obliterated them. Now Israel is reborn again but somehow "it will prevail" is just a cult wet dream of new age Evangelical nutters.

"Israel is reborn ... God can appoint anyone to do that job."
^^ Then we can add the Crusaders to the list as well, who founded the Kingdom of Jerusalem in the 12th century, only to be conquered by Saladin a bit later.

What are you offended by? New age cult? Is there another way to describe this phenomenon that never existed in Christianity until the 20th century? Evangelicals have found a new way to interpret the bible that never existed before.
1. Incorrect. That "new aged cult" existed from the 1st century when the messiah began his ministry.

2. Negative. Hasmonean kingdom is not the rebirth or restoration of israel according to the scriptures.
- Daniel 2:44 And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed, nor shall the kingdom be left to another people. It shall break in pieces all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, and it shall stand forever,

the hasmonean kingdom(140bc-37bc) existed during the end of greek empire(bronze phase of the image) but a lasting kingdom will be set up after the collapse of 4 empires.

That kingdom will stand forever & it will be set up in the land of israel in the future.

Isa 11:11 In that day the Lord will extend his hand yet a second time to recover the remnant that remains of his people, from Assyria, from Egypt, from Pathros, from Cush, from Elam, from Shinar, from Hamath, and from the coastlands of the sea.
Isa 11:12 He will raise a signal for the nations and will assemble the banished of Israel, and gather the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.

Massive return of jews to israel since 1948.
israel will prevail & no one is gonna scatter them anymore.
Today the country is called by the name "Israel".

Dboes the hasmonean kingdom has the above elements?
Let's assume modern israel somehow got disbanded again but it will surely be restored again & again until at some point in time the prophecy will be fulfilled. There is no escape. The same cant be said about other empires including Latin kingdom of jerusalem....

btw the latin kingdom of jerusalem did not have a jewish religion & political sovereignty unlike israel today. in fact the jews were suppressed... i thought you should know that?!

lastly i m not offended at all but i think you should refrain from calling other people's ideas twisted before you really understand where they come from.

btw, how do you understand Isaiah 11:11-12 as stated above?
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There was a joint plea by US & "allies" requesting and drafting an Israel/Lebanon ceasefire for 21 days, which has been rejected by both Lebanon and Netanyahu who's telling soldiers to keep fighting.

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US and allies call for 21-day ceasefire across Lebanon-Israel border​

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Israeli foreign minister rejects Lebanon ceasefire proposal​

Also note how the headline is designed to make it look like Lebanon offered a proposal.

This ceasefire charade is quite hilarious because who even believes ceasefire talks from Sleepy Joe anymore, while they're sending thousands of troops to Israel right now.
How weak the U.S. has become when both sides refuse to listen to them, but then again, would listens to a man who is a dementia patient anyway


Registered Member
I don't understand your point. Whats the point you are trying to make?
Where have i beg others not to react? Dude i merely stated a known fact. Or are you trying to deny that China has a policy of non interference? If you are unhappy with that policy it still doesn't changes this fact, maybe will have to take that up with the CCP if you want a change of this policy.
I was merely saying i think its a good policy and has served China well in this tumultous world and there is a reason China has adopted this policy if we look at the country's history. Just like U.S European powers, Russia etc have the policy they have today due to historical reasons as well.
You are starting to get it now. Slowly but surely.

Arming Russia and North Korea? Noninterference.

Helping some country ethnically cleanse areas protected by international law? Interference.

Surrounding a hostile island with destroyer fleets and shooting missiles right at their claimed border? Noninterference.

Passing ships through on a straight path? Interference.

Ramming hostile ships and water cannoning them? Noninterference.

Making vague verbal threats? Interference.

I hope you continue your learning.


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Hizballah expands its attack on key bases and airfields, with Jon Elmer

Palestinians demand answers after Israel sends truck full of decomposed bodies to Gaza
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1. Incorrect. That "new aged cult" existed from the 1st century when the messiah began his ministry.

2. Negative. Hasmonean kingdom is not the rebirth or restoration of israel according to the scriptures.
- Daniel 2:44 And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed, nor shall the kingdom be left to another people. It shall break in pieces all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, and it shall stand forever,

the hasmonean kingdom(140bc-37bc) existed during the end of greek empire(bronze phase of the image) but a lasting kingdom will be set up after the collapse of 4 empires.

That kingdom will stand forever & it will be set up in the land of israel in the future.

Isa 11:11 In that day the Lord will extend his hand yet a second time to recover the remnant that remains of his people, from Assyria, from Egypt, from Pathros, from Cush, from Elam, from Shinar, from Hamath, and from the coastlands of the sea.
Isa 11:12 He will raise a signal for the nations and will assemble the banished of Israel, and gather the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.

Massive return of jews to israel since 1948.
israel will prevail & no one is gonna scatter them anymore.
Today the country is called by the name "Israel".

Dboes the hasmonean kingdom has the above elements?
Let's assume modern israel somehow got disbanded again but it will surely be restored again & again until at some point in time the prophecy will be fulfilled. There is no escape. The same cant be said about other empires including Latin kingdom of jerusalem....

btw the latin kingdom of jerusalem did not have a jewish religion & political sovereignty unlike israel today. in fact the jews were suppressed... i thought you should know that?!

lastly i m not offended at all but i think you should refrain from calling other people's ideas twisted before you really understand where they come from.

btw, how do you understand Isaiah 11:11-12 as stated above?
This is insanity and extremism. Using "Chosen people" narratives written on extremist books to dehumanize groups of people and justify slaughtering them, is something I expect to find in Youtube's comment sections, not a defence forum. Absolutely disgusting and ridiculous.


Registered Member
Yemen might have fired another missile at Israel, as well.

1. Incorrect. That "new aged cult" existed from the 1st century when the messiah began his ministry.

2. Negative. Hasmonean kingdom is not the rebirth or restoration of israel according to the scriptures.
- Daniel 2:44 And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed, nor shall the kingdom be left to another people. It shall break in pieces all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, and it shall stand forever,

the hasmonean kingdom(140bc-37bc) existed during the end of greek empire(bronze phase of the image) but a lasting kingdom will be set up after the collapse of 4 empires.

That kingdom will stand forever & it will be set up in the land of israel in the future.

Isa 11:11 In that day the Lord will extend his hand yet a second time to recover the remnant that remains of his people, from Assyria, from Egypt, from Pathros, from Cush, from Elam, from Shinar, from Hamath, and from the coastlands of the sea.
Isa 11:12 He will raise a signal for the nations and will assemble the banished of Israel, and gather the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.

Massive return of jews to israel since 1948.
israel will prevail & no one is gonna scatter them anymore.
Today the country is called by the name "Israel".

Dboes the hasmonean kingdom has the above elements?
Let's assume modern israel somehow got disbanded again but it will surely be restored again & again until at some point in time the prophecy will be fulfilled. There is no escape. The same cant be said about other empires including Latin kingdom of jerusalem....

btw the latin kingdom of jerusalem did not have a jewish religion & political sovereignty unlike israel today. in fact the jews were suppressed... i thought you should know that?!

lastly i m not offended at all but i think you should refrain from calling other people's ideas twisted before you really understand where they come from.

btw, how do you understand Isaiah 11:11-12 as stated above?
Hey, this must be the missing pages of Mein Kampf about the Lebensraum.