Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other Related Conflicts in the Middle East (read the rules in the first post)


As usual, people are getting overly excited over what amounts to fog of war.

It wasn't that long ago that people were saying Israel was looking for a war with Hezbollah because they were geared toward fighting a conventional war and Hamas was giving them a bloody nose.

Why is it so surprising now that Israel is doing exactly that?


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i always love the "its true because israel said/is confident about it" analysis, much the same epistemological backing of "ukraine said so its true" analytical framework


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There's a lot of hype right now about Israel's doing, but without striking and crippling/regime changing Iran, its militia groups will reconstitute themselves in time even if Israel sets them to zero. Israel alone cannot and will not damage Iran to such a degree, and the US won't deal with the Houthis, so expecting it to attack Iran is delusional.

Iran either already or is on the cusp of becoming a nuclear weapons state, and it's already demonstrated its ability to attack Israel with accurate ballistic missiles. This takes such existential threats against it off the table.

So even if Israel wipes the floor with Hezbollah, it's "gg, see you in a decade."


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1. Incorrect. That "new aged cult" existed from the 1st century when the messiah began his ministry.
New age cult loves Jews. Before this cult, Christians openly persecuted Jews. There's no denying this fact.

2. Negative. Hasmonean kingdom is not the rebirth or restoration of israel according to the scriptures.
- Daniel 2:44 And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed, nor shall the kingdom be left to another people. It shall break in pieces all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, and it shall stand forever,
Twisting verses again, quoting a passage of Daniel with zero mention of Israel. The whole chapter starts and ends with the King of Babylon - Nebuchadnezzar - the guy who destroyed Judah.

the hasmonean kingdom(140bc-37bc) existed during the end of greek empire(bronze phase of the image) but a lasting kingdom will be set up after the collapse of 4 empires.
1. Jew empire
2. Babylonian empire
3. Persian empire of Cyrus
4. Seleucid empire (Greek)
5. Roman empire
6. Rashidun empire (Arab)
7. Umayyah empire
8. Abbasi empire
9. Seljuk empire (Turk)
10. Crusader empire (Franks)
11. Ayyubi empire (Kurd)
12. Mamluk empire (Circassian Turk)
13. Ottoman empire (Oguz Turk)
14. British empire

So.. even your numbers have misled you.

That kingdom will stand forever & it will be set up in the land of israel in the future.

Isa 11:11 In that day the Lord will extend his hand yet a second time to recover the remnant that remains of his people, from Assyria, from Egypt, from Pathros, from Cush, from Elam, from Shinar, from Hamath, and from the coastlands of the sea.
Isa 11:12 He will raise a signal for the nations and will assemble the banished of Israel, and gather the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.

Massive return of jews to israel since 1948.
israel will prevail & no one is gonna scatter them anymore.
Today the country is called by the name "Israel".
Yeah... that massive return already happened 1) during the era of Cyrus when he brought Jews out of Babylonian captivity, 2) during Hasmonean era. Both got wrecked later.

Dboes the hasmonean kingdom has the above elements?
Yes, it does. Already explained.

Let's assume modern israel somehow got disbanded again but it will surely be restored again & again until at some point in time the prophecy will be fulfilled. There is no escape. The same cant be said about other empires including Latin kingdom of jerusalem....
So why can it be said about current Israel, when in fact Israel got destroyed several times?

What if it's an Arab non-Jew who restores it? Lol

It's actually a very twisted perspective you've put in place - "it will happen because bible said so". When on the contrary, if it doesn't happen, the prophecy, as well as the coherence of the bible, simply disintegrates. And the supplementary requirement of the prophecy have already revealed that the scriptures are flawed.

btw the latin kingdom of jerusalem did not have a jewish religion & political sovereignty unlike israel today. in fact the jews were suppressed... i thought you should know that?!
You said anybody can restore the kingdom, so it doesn't matter who is in it. Lol. Just like non-Semitic Ashkenaz "restored" it today and suppresses the Haredi Jews.

lastly i m not offended at all but i think you should refrain from calling other people's ideas twisted before you really understand where they come from.

btw, how do you understand Isaiah 11:11-12 as stated above?
I know where they come from. They come from corruption of the bibles by American scribes which is why this new-age cult is predominant only in the USA; rest of the Christian world, as I stated previously, has always despised the Jews and Israel as "jesus-killers".

And you haven't told us yet how you, a Christian, fits into this. Lol. So much Godly love for Jews and Israel.. shouldn't you be a Jew then? What's the incentive of being a Christian if your God is restoring Judaism instead of Christianity? << This is the crux of the matter that, when inspected carefully, shows us how flawed and corrupted this new-age cult is and how it differs with traditional sects of Christianity. Take from a Jewish perspective - Jesus, in the Talmud, is called ben stada (son of the adulteress); his mother, Mary, cheated on her husband Joseph and slept with carpenters. This is the lovely Jewish nation that your new-age Christian cult espouses.

it makes sense that if Israel was able to sneek in thousands of explosive pagers then that also means Mossad has extensively infiltrated a big part of Hezbolah's comunications. Hezbolah is an organization that has been infiltrated to the core.
Targetting civilians enmasse with explosives and claiming to have killed Hezbollah holds as much weight as capturing OBL and throwing him into the sea. May I remind you again that you are fixing your arguments on a claim that was never verified?

so far Hezbolah has proven itself to be much weaker than Hamas. whats the use of all these rockets and extra soldiers that Hezbolah has over Hamas if Hezbolah has been thoroughly infiltrated down to their underwear.
Zero proof of such infiltration. And on the contrary, Hezbollah's attacks inside Israel have caused the entire northern area settlers to flee many months ago, unable to return. You can hear this everyday even in Israeli media "we will defeat Hezbollah, and move settlers back, etc".


Panic in Tel Aviv
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