Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other Related Conflicts in the Middle East (read the rules in the first post)


Still a war crime or in western media favorite phase. State Terrorism. Also Israel is a signatory.

Mr. President,


I am appalled by the breadth and impact of the attacks on 17 and 18 September in Lebanon on civilians, where the explosion of pagers, two-way radios, and other electronic devices have reportedly killed at least 37 people, including two children, and injured more than 3,400 people in Lebanon alone, leaving many with permanent disabilities and healthcare facilities struggling to cope with the magnitude of the impact on people.

These attacks represent a new development in warfare, where communication tools become weapons, simultaneously exploding across marketplaces, on street corners, and in homes as daily life unfolds. Authorities have reportedly dismantled unexploded devices in universities, banks, and hospitals.

This has unleashed widespread fear, panic, and horror among people in Lebanon, already suffering in an increasingly volatile situation since October 2023 and crumbling under a severe and longstanding economic crisis.

This cannot be the new normal.

Mr. President,

War has rules. For each and every party to this and any other armed conflict.
  • Armed force – that is, violence against other human beings – can only be used where necessary to achieve a valid military objective.
  • In doing so, the fundamental distinction between civilian and military targets must be front and centre.
  • All feasible precautions must be taken to spare civilians. Attacks must remain proportional to the wider damage they inflict.
  • Persons not exercising a continuous combat function in an armed group can only be targeted when taking a direct part in hostilities.
At their core, these rules have the paramount aim of effectively protecting civilians.
International human rights law exists to protect the equality and dignity of every human being, even in times of war.
Law exists to defend values central to our societies, and to our world.

Simultaneous targeting of thousands of individuals, whether civilians or members of armed groups, without knowledge as to who was in possession of the targeted devices, their location, and their surroundings at the time of the attack, violates international human rights law and, as applicable, international humanitarian law.

It is difficult to conceive how, in these circumstances, such attacks could possibly conform with the key principles of distinction, proportionality, and precautions in attack, under international humanitarian law. If the attacker is unable to assess the compliance of the attack with binding rules of international law, notably the likely impact on civilians, then the attack should not be carried out.

International humanitarian law prohibits the use of booby-trap devices in the form of apparently harmless portable objects which are specifically designed and constructed to contain explosive material.

It is a war crime to commit violence intended to spread terror among civilians.

I call, again, for an independent, thorough, and transparent investigation into the circumstances of these explosions. Those who ordered and carried out these attacks must be held to account.

Let me be clear – this method of warfare may be new and unfamiliar. But international humanitarian and human rights law apply regardless and must be upheld.

These attacks occurred amidst hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah, which since 8 October last year have caused civilian casualties on both sides. According to the Lebanese Ministry of Health figures released in August, over 500 people have been killed, over 2,400 injured and, according to IOM, over 110,000 displaced in Lebanon. The Government of Israel reported 48 people killed in Israel and over 63,000 displaced in the context of these hostilities. The last 24 hours have seen intensified cross-border military action in Lebanon and Israel.

This tragic situation cannot be seen in isolation – it is bound up with the war in Gaza, spiralling violence in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem and Israel’s continued occupation of Palestinian territory. The heightened risk of further atrocity crimes remains. As repeatedly stated, the humanitarian situation for 2.2 million Palestinians in Gaza is catastrophic.

Over 1,200 people were killed on 7 October in Israel. In Gaza, over 100 hostages are still held by Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups. Over 41,200 Palestinians, mostly women and children, have been killed as a result of the intensive Israeli offensives, and over 95,500 injured in Gaza, according to the Gaza Ministry of Health.

I am outraged by this inconceivable toll of human suffering.

For the UN and other humanitarian responders, ongoing hostilities, access constraints, attacks on staff and facilities, and damaged infrastructure along with the deteriorating security situation, including looting and frequent Israeli-issued evacuation orders, are key factors obstructing the delivery of sufficient lifesaving aid across the Gaza Strip.
Ending the war in Gaza and averting a full-blown regional conflict is an absolute and urgent priority.

I call for an immediate ceasefire, and for continuous humanitarian access to be ensured throughout the Strip.

I urge the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages held in Gaza.

The arbitrary detention by Israel of thousands of Palestinians must end.

The wider situation of illegality across the occupied Palestinian territory deriving from Israel’s policies and practices, as so clearly spelled out by the International Court of Justice in its Advisory Opinion in July, must be comprehensively addressed.

Mr. President,

Disrespect for international law is a matter of international peace and security - the core obligation of this Council - with implications beyond these countries and this region.

States have constructed international human rights and humanitarian law precisely for moments like these - when life, dignity and our very humanity are at risk.

As such, States must not – cannot – accept blatant disregard for international law, including binding decisions of the Security Council and orders of the International Court of Justice.

They must not – cannot – allow the hollowing out of international law and its protective core. Neither in this nor in any other situation around the world.

All States, particularly those with influence, must do everything they can to ensure full respect for international law.
Just over ten days ago, in my address to the Human Rights Council in Geneva I urged the rejection of a new normal of endless, vicious military escalation and increasingly alarming technologically “advanced” methods of warfare.

The warnings from multiple actors against an all-out war in the region have been clear and consistent. It would benefit no one. Continuing on this path of inflamed war rhetoric on all sides and reckless, military escalation only leads to further devastation. I urge Israel and Hezbollah to cease hostilities immediately.

The spectre of this region’s past – the unending cycles of conflict, the human rights grievances and causes of which have been ignored and trampled on – is palpable and omnipresent.

The complexity of this moment – and the stakes for people everywhere - demand much more from the international community, to achieve an enduring peace.

This crisis requires political courage and leadership.
Thank you.
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Israel has committed a state sponsored war crime. The repercussions of this heinous act will be profound and far reaching. It also reveals the state of desperation on the Israeli side, as they would not have resorted to such terror attacks if they had a viable military solution. Truly the invasion of Gaza must have taken a dire toll on the Israeli military.

obj 705A

Junior Member
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I hear analysts all the time talking about how Hezbolah is much more capable than Hamas yet what we have seen in the past few days contradicts that.

Hezbolah supposedly has 60k militants in addition to ATGMs & a large stockpile of long range missiles while Hamas has 30k militants and a far much smaller stockpile of primitive rockets and depends mainly on primitive homemade explosives that have to be put manualy by Hamas militants on IDF tanks.

yet within a few days Hezbolah suffered thousands of casualties including a significant number who lost their eyesight and Israel has been constantly taking out senior Hezbolah leaderships.

Hamas has demonstarted that they are far much more professional than Hezbolah. actually Hezbolah look like a bunch of amateurs when compared to Hamas. Hezbolah is basicaly in a state of war with Israel yet these senior leaderhips were all gathering in one building for a meating as if they are going to a tea party? are you serious? Hezbolah does have tunnels. all meatings should be in the tunnels.


Junior Member
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The fact that Israel can kill ambassadors, top military commanders, blow up communications devices, carry out terrorist acts against the civilian population of several middle eastern countries and never receive any real response is impressive.

It appears that the leadership of Hezbollah, Hamas and Iran will die before having the courage to respond to Israeli provocations. So these attacks will continue and escalate.

This can last for years and favors Israel. Their economy is supported by donations and investments from Western companies, as well as direct donations from the US government. The Israeli population will continue with a high standard
of life while Gaza, Lebanon and Iran are being humiliated and suffering deaths in consecutive attacks.

It is the perfect scenario for Zionist supremacists to have fun and show their power against those they consider inferior. Since Muslims haven't been a military threat to anyone for centuries, it's easy.

And to think that in the past, when Jews were humiliated and lived in ghettos in the West under the threat of being expelled at any moment, Muslim empires eagerly welcomed Jewish refugees. Their descendants are paying well for it.


Junior Member
Registered Member
The fact that Israel can kill ambassadors, top military commanders, blow up communications devices, carry out terrorist acts against the civilian population of several middle eastern countries and never receive any real response is impressive.

It appears that the leadership of Hezbollah, Hamas and Iran will die before having the courage to respond to Israeli provocations. So these attacks will continue and escalate.

This can last for years and favors Israel. Their economy is supported by donations and investments from Western companies, as well as direct donations from the US government. The Israeli population will continue with a high standard
of life while Gaza, Lebanon and Iran are being humiliated and suffering deaths in consecutive attacks.

It is the perfect scenario for Zionist supremacists to have fun and show their power against those they consider inferior. Since Muslims haven't been a military threat to anyone for centuries, it's easy.

And to think that in the past, when Jews were humiliated and lived in ghettos in the West under the threat of being expelled at any moment, Muslim empires eagerly welcomed Jewish refugees. Their descendants are paying well for it.
Right now, yes. But for how long can it last. Sure, Israel’s economy is propped up right now despite its entire industry being practically grind down to a halt, but that has to come at a huge cost. The USA, the primary reason why they can get away with this nonsense, backs them to the hilt but they have utilized a significant amount of capital and resources to do so, and that isn’t infinite, especially when a significant amount is spent on Ukraine. Something is eventually going to break, who knows when is anyone’s guess.


Senior Member
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Hezbollah is hardly 'just' a militia, they are basically a full fledged military force. As you scale up the size of your forces you can no longer get away with getting leadership murked left right and centre.
Having foreign partners helps, especially those coming from non-conflict zones (i.e. Iran), or seasoned veterans from lesser conflict zones (i.e. Syria and Iraq).. which should be increasing now.

Competent leadership is hard to come by and the current intensity of conflict is not harsh enough of an environment for good leaders to grow. You can hardly learn to lead an army 100k+ strong by lobbing rockets at Israeli border checkpoint every weekend.
So how did Taliban lead an army to the demise of NATO in Afghanistan, using more-or-less the same tactics as Hezbollah? Taliban had even worse weapons and an opponent significantly stronger than Israel, while being the de facto government and retinue of Afghanistan throughout the war. I don't think you understand the overlap of conventional and guerilla warfare.

Btw, it is multiple times a day, every day. Not every weekend. What Hezbollah has done so far is pretty spot on: emptied northern Israel of settlers but not southern Lebanon of Lebanese, without stepping foot in occupied Israel.

yet within a few days Hezbolah suffered thousands of casualties

And to think that in the past, when Jews were humiliated and lived in ghettos in the West under the threat of being expelled at any moment, Muslim empires eagerly welcomed Jewish refugees. Their descendants are paying well for it.
It wasn't the Jewish refugees in Islamic countries that founded Israel, nor do they make up the ruling class of Israel today.

What a horrific week for hezbollah with their ability to communicate being cut off it is sheer panic and these are the results. Israel has pretty much gutted the top of hezbollah's hierarchy. Who is next Nasrallah?

Please stay calm killuminati for using OSINT as source.
More fake news. Horrific week for Hezbollah on Western media (sounds more appropriate), the one place where the Apartheid can still manage some gains; not much on the ground. Have the settlers returned? Didn't think so. Nice try though.

In other Western news: Ukraine has encircled Moscow and waiting on emperor Zelensky to blow the horn and initiate the siege.


Registered Member
The fact that Israel can kill ambassadors, top military commanders, blow up communications devices, carry out terrorist acts against the civilian population of several middle eastern countries and never receive any real response is impressive.

It appears that the leadership of Hezbollah, Hamas and Iran will die before having the courage to respond to Israeli provocations. So these attacks will continue and escalate.

Israel wants a wider war but the other side is asking themselves if and why they should give them what they want. They committed a big war crime provocation but hasn't done anything big since. 4 days later and Lebanon hasn’t been invaded. Any window of opportunity caused by the communication chaos would now be closed or is rapidly closing. So it points to a question of why did they reveal a capability for no apparent gain.


Registered Member
Israel wants a wider war but the other side is asking themselves if and why they should give them what they want. They committed a big war crime provocation but hasn't done anything big since. 4 days later and Lebanon hasn’t been invaded. Any window of opportunity caused by the communication chaos would now be closed or is rapidly closing. So it points to a question of why did they reveal a capability for no apparent gain.
Israel wants a wider war involving the US actively on its side. I doubt it wants a wider war on its lonesome.

A lot of talk that Hezbollah was on the brink of discovering the plot so Mossad was in a use it or lose it position. They used it. Perhaps as a prelude to something bigger - "shaping the battlespace" in the modern parlance.

For Hezbollah's part, if they are to retain any credibility or deterrence then they need to strike back hard, soon.